Source code for ucsschool.importer.utils.ldap_connection

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Create LDAP connections for import.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple

from univention.admin import uldap

from ..exceptions import LDAPWriteAccessDenied, UcsSchoolImportFatalError

    import univention.admin.handlers
    from univention.admin.uldap import access as LoType, position as PoType

    UdmObjectType = univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap

_admin_connection = None
_admin_position = None
_machine_connection = None
_machine_position = None
_unprivileged_connection = None
_unprivileged_position = None
_read_only_admin_connection = None
_read_only_admin_position = None

[docs]def get_admin_connection(): # type: () -> (Tuple[LoType, PoType]) """ Read-write cn=admin connection. :rtype: tuple(univention.admin.uldap.access, univention.admin.uldap.position) """ global _admin_connection, _admin_position if not _admin_connection or not _admin_position: try: _admin_connection, _admin_position = uldap.getAdminConnection() except IOError: raise UcsSchoolImportFatalError("This script must be executed on a Primary Directory Node.") return _admin_connection, _admin_position
[docs]def get_machine_connection(): # type: () -> (Tuple[LoType, PoType]) """ Read-write machine connection. :rtype: tuple(univention.admin.uldap.access, univention.admin.uldap.position) """ global _machine_connection, _machine_position if not _machine_connection or not _machine_position: _machine_connection, _machine_position = uldap.getMachineConnection() return _machine_connection, _machine_position
[docs]def get_unprivileged_connection(): # type: () -> (Tuple[LoType, PoType]) """ Unprivileged read-write connection. :rtype: tuple(univention.admin.uldap.access, univention.admin.uldap.position) """ global _unprivileged_connection, _unprivileged_position if not _unprivileged_connection or not _unprivileged_position: with open("/etc/ucsschool-import/ldap_unprivileged.secret") as fp: dn_pw = dn, base, pw = dn_pw.strip().split(":") _unprivileged_connection = uldap.access(base=base, binddn=dn, bindpw=pw) _unprivileged_position = uldap.position(_unprivileged_connection.base) return _unprivileged_connection, _unprivileged_position
[docs]class ReadOnlyAccess(uldap.access): """ LDAP access class that prevents LDAP write access. Must be a descendant of :py:class:`univention.admin.uldap.access`, or UDM will raise a :py:exc:`TypeError`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._real_lo, self._real_po = get_admin_connection() self._real_lo.allow_modify = 1 def __getattr__(self, item): if item in ("add", "modify", "rename", "delete"): raise LDAPWriteAccessDenied() return getattr(self._real_lo, item)
[docs] def add(self, *args, **kwargs): raise LDAPWriteAccessDenied()
[docs] def modify(self, *args, **kwargs): raise LDAPWriteAccessDenied()
[docs] def rename(self, *args, **kwargs): raise LDAPWriteAccessDenied()
[docs] def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): raise LDAPWriteAccessDenied()
[docs]def get_readonly_connection(): # type: () -> (Tuple[LoType, PoType]) """ Read-only cn=admin connection. :rtype: tuple(univention.admin.uldap.access, univention.admin.uldap.position) """ global _read_only_admin_connection, _read_only_admin_position if not _read_only_admin_connection or not _read_only_admin_position: lo_rw = ReadOnlyAccess() _read_only_admin_connection, _read_only_admin_position = lo_rw, lo_rw._real_po return _read_only_admin_connection, _read_only_admin_position