Source code for ucsschool.importer.utils.result_pyhook

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Base class for all Python based Result-Pyhooks.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from .import_pyhook import ImportPyHook

    from ..mass_import.user_import import UserImportData

[docs]class ResultPyHook(ImportPyHook): """ Hook that is called after import has finished. The base class' :py:meth:`__init__()` provides the following attributes: * self.dry_run # whether hook is executed during a dry-run (1) * self.lo # LDAP connection object (2) * self.logger # Python logging instance If multiple hook classes are found, hook functions with higher priority numbers run before those with lower priorities. None disables a function (no need to remove it / comment it out). (1) Hooks are only executed during dry-runs, if the class attribute :py:attr:`supports_dry_run` is set to `True` (default is `False`). Hooks with `supports_dry_run == True` must not modify LDAP objects. Therefore the LDAP connection object self.lo will be a read-only connection during a dry-run. (2) Read-write cn=admin connection in a real run, read-only cn=admin connection during a dry-run. """ priority = { "user_result": None, }
[docs] def user_result(self, user_import_data): # type: (UserImportData) -> None """ Run code after user import has finished. Relevant data from the UserImport class is passed to this hook, so result summaries etc are possible. :param UserImportData user_import_data: relevant data from the UserImport class :return: None """ return None