Source code for ucsschool.lib.school_umc_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# UCS@school python lib
# Copyright 2007-2021 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
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# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
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# <>.

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from ldap.filter import escape_filter_chars, filter_format

import univention.admin.modules as udm_modules
from univention.admin.filter import conjunction, parse
from univention.admin.uexceptions import noObject
from univention.lib.i18n import Translation
from import ucr
from import MODULE
from import Base, UMC_Error
from import sanitize
from import StringSanitizer

from .school_umc_ldap_connection import LDAP_Connection, set_bind_function

    from univention.admin.handlers import simpleLdap as UdmObject
    from univention.admin.uldap import access as LoType

# load UDM modules

__bind_callback = None

_ = Translation("python-ucs-school").translate

[docs]class SchoolSanitizer(StringSanitizer): def _sanitize(self, value, name, further_args): value = super(SchoolSanitizer, self)._sanitize(value, name, further_args) if not value and self.required: raise UMC_Error( _( "The request did not specify any school. You have to create a school before " 'continuing. Use the "Schools" UMC module to create one.' ), status=503, result={"no_school_found": True}, ) return value
[docs]class SchoolBaseModule(Base): """This class serves as base class for UCS@school UMC modules that need LDAP access. It initiates the list of available OUs (self.availableSchools) and initiates the search bases (self.searchBase). set_bind_function() is called automatically to allow LDAP connections. In order to integrate this class into a module, use the following paradigm: class Instance(SchoolBaseModule): def __init__(self): # initiate list of internal variables SchoolBaseModule.__init__(self) # ... custom code def init(self): SchoolBaseModule.init(self) # ... custom code """
[docs] def init(self): set_bind_function(self.bind_user_connection)
[docs] def bind_user_connection(self, lo): # type: (LoType) -> None if not self.user_dn: # ... backwards compatibility # the DN is None if we have a local user (e.g., root) # FIXME: the statement above is not completely true, user_dn is None also if the UMC server + # could not detect it (for whatever reason) therefore this workaround is a security hole # which allows to execute ldap operations as machine account try: # to get machine account password MODULE.warn("Using machine account for local user: %s" % self.username) with open("/etc/machine.secret", "r") as fd: password = user_dn = ucr.get("ldap/hostdn") except IOError as exc: password = None user_dn = None MODULE.warn("Cannot read /etc/machine.secret: %s" % (exc,)) lo.lo.bind(user_dn, password) return return super(SchoolBaseModule, self).bind_user_connection(lo)
[docs] @LDAP_Connection() def schools(self, request, ldap_user_read=None): """Returns a list of all available school""" from import School schools = School.from_binddn(ldap_user_read) if not schools: raise UMC_Error( _( "Could not find any school. You have to create a school before continuing. Use the " '"Schools" UMC module to create one.' ), status=503, result={"no_school_found": True}, ) self.finished(, [{"id":, "label": school.display_name} for school in schools] )
def _groups(self, ldap_connection, school, ldap_base, pattern=None, scope="sub"): # type: (LoType, str, str, Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> List[Dict[str, str]] """Returns a list of all groups of the given school""" # get list of all users matching the given pattern ldapFilter = None if pattern: ldapFilter = LDAP_Filter.forGroups(pattern) groupresult = udm_modules.lookup( "groups/group", None, ldap_connection, scope=scope, base=ldap_base, filter=ldapFilter ) name_pattern = re.compile(r"^%s-" % (re.escape(school)), flags=re.I) return [{"id": grp.dn, "label": name_pattern.sub("", grp["name"])} for grp in groupresult]
[docs] @sanitize(school=SchoolSanitizer(required=True), pattern=StringSanitizer(default="")) @LDAP_Connection() def classes(self, request, ldap_user_read=None): """Returns a list of all classes of the given school""" school = request.options["school"] from import SchoolClass self.finished(, self._groups( ldap_user_read, school, SchoolClass.get_container(school), request.options["pattern"] ), )
[docs] @sanitize(school=SchoolSanitizer(required=True), pattern=StringSanitizer(default="")) @LDAP_Connection() def workgroups(self, request, ldap_user_read=None): """Returns a list of all working groups of the given school""" school = request.options["school"] from import WorkGroup self.finished(, self._groups( ldap_user_read, school, WorkGroup.get_container(school), request.options["pattern"], "one", ), )
[docs] @sanitize(school=SchoolSanitizer(required=True), pattern=StringSanitizer(default="")) @LDAP_Connection() def groups(self, request, ldap_user_read=None): """Returns a list of all groups (classes and workgroups) of the given school""" # use as base the path for 'workgroups', as it incorporates workgroups and classes # when searching with scope 'sub' school = request.options["school"] from import WorkGroup self.finished(, self._groups( ldap_user_read, school, WorkGroup.get_container(school), request.options["pattern"] ), )
[docs] @sanitize(school=SchoolSanitizer(required=True), pattern=StringSanitizer(default="")) @LDAP_Connection() def rooms(self, request, ldap_user_read=None): """Returns a list of all available school""" school = request.options["school"] from import ComputerRoom self.finished(, self._groups( ldap_user_read, school, ComputerRoom.get_container(school), request.options["pattern"] ), )
def _users(self, ldap_connection, school, group=None, user_type=None, pattern=""): # type: (LoType, str, Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> List[ucsschool.lib.models.User] # noqa: E501 """Returns a list of all users given 'pattern', 'school' (search base) and 'group'""" import ucsschool.lib.models if not user_type: classes = [ucsschool.lib.models.User] elif user_type.lower() in ("teachers", "teacher"): classes = [ucsschool.lib.models.Teacher, ucsschool.lib.models.TeachersAndStaff] elif user_type.lower() in ("student", "students", "pupil", "pupils"): classes = [ucsschool.lib.models.Student] else: raise TypeError("user_type %r unknown." % (user_type,)) # open the group groupObj = None if group not in (None, "None"): groupModule = udm_modules.get("groups/group") groupObj = groupModule.object(None, ldap_connection, None, group) # lazy loading of exception classes to prevent import loop from ucsschool.lib.models.base import UnknownModel, WrongModel # The following code block prevents a massive performance loss if the group # contains far less users than all available users. The else-block opens # all available users ==> high LDAP load! (Bug #42167) users = [] for userdn in set(groupObj["users"]): search_filter_list = [LDAP_Filter.forSchool(school)] if pattern: search_filter_list.append(LDAP_Filter.forUsers(pattern)) # concatenate LDAP filters search_filter = u"{}".format( conjunction("&", [parse(subfilter) for subfilter in search_filter_list]) ) for cls in classes: try: udm_obj = cls.get_only_udm_obj(ldap_connection, search_filter, base=userdn) except noObject: MODULE.error( "Possible group inconsistency detected: %r contains member %r but member " "was not found in LDAP" % (group, userdn) ) udm_obj = None if udm_obj is not None: # make sure that the found UDM object is of requested user type try: cls.from_udm_obj(udm_obj, school, ldap_connection) except (UnknownModel, WrongModel): continue users.append(udm_obj) else: # be aware that this search opens all user objects of specified type and may take some time! users = [] for cls in classes: _users = cls.get_all(ldap_connection, school, LDAP_Filter.forUsers(pattern)) users.extend(user.get_udm_object(ldap_connection) for user in _users) return users def _users_ldap(self, ldap_connection, school, group=None, user_type=None, pattern="", attr=None): # type: (LoType, str, Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]] # noqa: E501 """ Returns a list of LDAP query result tuples (dn, attr) of all users given `pattern`, `school` (search base) and `group`. """ import ucsschool.lib.models if not user_type: classes = [ucsschool.lib.models.User] elif user_type.lower() in ("teachers", "teacher"): classes = [ucsschool.lib.models.Teacher, ucsschool.lib.models.TeachersAndStaff] elif user_type.lower() in ("student", "students", "pupil", "pupils"): classes = [ucsschool.lib.models.Student] elif user_type.lower() in ("staff",): classes = [ucsschool.lib.models.Staff, ucsschool.lib.models.TeachersAndStaff] else: raise TypeError("user_type %r unknown." % (user_type,)) attr = attr or [] users = [] user_module = udm_modules.get("users/user") if group not in (None, "None"): # The following code block prevents a massive performance loss if the group # contains far less users than all available users. The else-block opens # all available users ==> high LDAP load! (Bug #42167) user_dns = [ group.decode("utf-8") for group in ldap_connection.get(group).get("uniqueMember", []) ] for userdn in set(user_dns): search_filter_list = [LDAP_Filter.forSchool(school)] if pattern: search_filter_list.append(LDAP_Filter.forUsers(pattern)) for cls in classes: search_filter_list.append(cls.type_filter) # concatenate LDAP filters search_filter = u"{}".format( user_module.lookup_filter( conjunction("&", [parse(subfilter) for subfilter in search_filter_list]) ) ) try: ldap_objs =, base=userdn, attr=attr) except noObject: raise noObject( "User with DN: {} was not found in the group {}." " Please make sure it is a valid UCS@school user and is member of all " "necessary groups. For more information visit" "/t/how-an-ucs-school-user-should-look-like/15630".format(userdn, group) ) if len(ldap_objs) == 1: users.append(ldap_objs[0]) # else: # either: 'Possible group inconsistency detected: %r contains member %r but member # was not found in LDAP' % (group, userdn)) # or: DN does not belong to teacher/student (WrongModel) # in both cases: ignore user else: for cls in classes: filter_s = u"{}".format( user_module.lookup_filter( conjunction( "&", [ parse(LDAP_Filter.forSchool(school)), parse(LDAP_Filter.forUsers(pattern)), parse(cls.type_filter), ], ) ) ) users.extend(, attr=attr)) return users
[docs]class LDAP_Filter:
[docs] @staticmethod def forSchool(school): # type: (str) -> str return filter_format("(ucsschoolSchool=%s)", [school])
[docs] @staticmethod def forUsers(pattern): # type: (str) -> str return LDAP_Filter.forAll(pattern, ["lastname", "username", "firstname"])
[docs] @staticmethod def forGroups(pattern, school=None): # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> str # school parameter is deprecated return LDAP_Filter.forAll(pattern, ["name", "description"])
[docs] @staticmethod def forComputers(pattern): # type: (str) -> str return LDAP_Filter.forAll(pattern, ["name", "description"], ["mac", "ip"])
regWhiteSpaces = re.compile(r"\s+")
[docs] @staticmethod def forAll(pattern, subMatch=[], fullMatch=[], prefixes={}): # type: (str, Optional[List[str]], Optional[List[str]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> str expressions = [] for iword in LDAP_Filter.regWhiteSpaces.split(pattern or ""): # evaluate the subexpression (search word over different attributes) subexpr = [] # all expressions for a full string match iword = escape_filter_chars(iword) if iword: subexpr += ["(%s=%s)" % (jattr, iword) for jattr in fullMatch] # all expressions for a substring match if not iword: iword = "*" elif iword.find("*") < 0: iword = "*%s*" % iword subexpr += ["(%s=%s%s)" % (jattr, prefixes.get(jattr, ""), iword) for jattr in subMatch] # append to list of all search expressions expressions.append("(|%s)" % "".join(subexpr)) if not expressions: return "" return "(&%s)" % "".join(expressions)
[docs]class Display:
[docs] @staticmethod def user(udm_object): # type: (UdmObject) -> str fullname = udm_object["lastname"] if "firstname" in udm_object and udm_object["firstname"]: fullname += ", %(firstname)s" % udm_object return fullname + " (%(username)s)" % udm_object
[docs] @staticmethod def user_ldap(ldap_object): # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> str fullname = ldap_object.get("sn", [b""])[0].decode("utf-8") if ldap_object.get("givenName", [b""])[0]: fullname += ", %s" % ldap_object["givenName"][0].decode("utf-8") return fullname + " (%s)" % ldap_object["uid"][0].decode("utf-8")