Source code for ucsschool.lib.smbstatus

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Parser for smbstatus

import re
import subprocess

import univention.debug as ud

REGEX_LOCKED_FILES = re.compile(
REGEX_USERS = re.compile(
REGEX_SERVICES = re.compile(

[docs]class SMB_LockedFile(dict): @property def filename(self): return self["filename"] @property def sharePath(self): return self["sharePath"] def __str__(self): if self.filename == ".": return self.sharePath return self.filename
[docs]class SMB_Process(dict): def __init__(self, args): dict.__init__(self, args) self._locked_files = [] self._services = [] @property def username(self): return self["username"] @property def pid(self): return self["pid"] @property def machine(self): return self["machine"] @property def lockedFiles(self): return self._locked_files @property def services(self): return self._services @property def ipv4address(self): return self["ipv4Address"] @property def ipv6address(self): return self["ipv6Address"] @property def ipaddress(self): return self.get("ipAddress") or self.ipv4address or self.ipv6address
[docs] def update(self, dictionary): if "sharePath" in dictionary: self._locked_files.append(SMB_LockedFile(dictionary)) elif "service" in dictionary: self._services.append(dictionary["service"]) else: dict.update(self, dictionary)
def __str__(self): title = "Process %(pid)s: User: %(username)s (group: %(group)s)" % self files = " locked files: %s" % ", ".join(map(str, self.lockedFiles)) services = " services: %s" % ", ".join( return "\n".join((title, files, services))
[docs]class SMB_Status(list): def __init__(self, testdata=None): list.__init__(self) self.parse(testdata)
[docs] def parse(self, testdata=None): while self: self.pop() if testdata is None: smbstatus = subprocess.Popen( # nosec ["/usr/bin/smbstatus"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) data = ["%s\n" % x for x in smbstatus.communicate()[0].decode("UTF-8").splitlines()] else: data = testdata regexps = [REGEX_USERS, REGEX_SERVICES, REGEX_LOCKED_FILES] regex = None for line in data: if line.startswith("-----"): regex = regexps.pop(0) if not line.strip() or regex is None: continue match = regex.match(line) if match is None: continue serv = SMB_Process(match.groupdict()) self.update(serv) for process in self[:]: if "username" not in process: ud.debug( ud.PARSER, ud.ERROR, 'Invalid SMB process definition (no "username"):\nprocess=%r\ndata=%s' % (process, "".join(data)), ) self.remove(process)
[docs] def update(self, service): for item in self: if == item.update(service) break else: self.append(service)
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="If no file is given, runs smbstatus and parses its output (Test data: " "/usr/share/ucs-school-lib/smbstatus_testdata.txt)." ) parser.add_argument("file", nargs="?", type=argparse.FileType("r")) args = parser.parse_args() ud.init("/var/log/univention/smbstatus.log", ud.NO_FLUSH, ud.NO_FUNCTION) ud.set_level(ud.PARSER, ud.ALL) if not args.file: status = SMB_Status() else: status = SMB_Status("\n")) for process in status: print(str(process)) print("")