Source code for univention.admin.objects

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|UDM| objects.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union  # noqa: F401

import ldap

import univention.debug as ud
import univention.admin.modules

[docs]def module(object): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> Optional[str] """ Return handler name for |UDM| object. :param object: |UDM| object instance :returns: |UDM| handler name or `None`. """ return getattr(object, 'module', None)
[docs]def get_superordinate(module, co, lo, dn): # type: (univention.admin.modules.UdmModule, None, univention.admin.uldap.access, str) -> Optional[univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap] """ Searches for the superordinate object for the given DN. :param module: |UDM| module name :param co: |UDM| configuation object. :param lo: |LDAP| connection. :param dn: |DN|. :returns: the superoridnate or `None` if the object does not require a superordinate object or it is not found. """ super_modules = set(univention.admin.modules.superordinate_names(module)) if super_modules: while dn: attr = lo.get(dn) super_module = { for x in univention.admin.modules.identify(dn, attr)} & super_modules if super_module: super_module = univention.admin.modules.get(list(super_module)[0]) return get(super_module, co, lo, None, dn) dn = lo.parentDn(dn) return None
[docs]def get(module, co, lo, position, dn='', attr=None, superordinate=None, attributes=None): # type: (univention.admin.modules.UdmModule, None, univention.admin.uldap.access, univention.admin.uldap.position, str, Dict[str, List[Any]], Any, Any) -> univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap """ Return object of module while trying to create objects of superordinate modules as well. :param module: |UDM| handler. :param co: |UDM| configuation object. :param lo: |LDAP| connection. :param position: |UDM| position instance. """ # module was deleted if not module: return None if not superordinate: superordinate = get_superordinate(module, co, lo, dn or position.getDn()) if dn: try: obj = univention.admin.modules.lookup(module.module, co, lo, base=dn, superordinate=superordinate, scope='base', unique=True, required=True)[0] obj.position.setDn(position.getDn() if position else dn) return obj except (ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject): if not lo.get(dn, attr=['objectClass']): raise univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject(dn) if not univention.admin.modules.virtual(module.module): raise univention.admin.uexceptions.wrongObjectType('The object %s is not a %s.' % (dn, module.module,)) return module.object(co, lo, position, dn, superordinate=superordinate, attributes=attributes)
[docs]def open(object): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ Initialization of properties not necessary for browsing etc. :param object: |UDM| object. """ if not object: return if hasattr(object, 'open'):
[docs]def default(module, co, lo, position): # type: (univention.admin.modules.UdmModule, None, univention.admin.uldap.access, univention.admin.uldap.position) -> univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap """ Create |UDM| object and initialize default values. :param module: |UDM| handler. :param co: |UDM| configuation object. :param lo: |LDAP| connection. :param position: |UDM| position instance. :returns: An initialized |UDM| object. """ module = univention.admin.modules.get(module) object = module.object(co, lo, position) for name, property in module.property_descriptions.items(): default = property.default(object) if default: object[name] = default return object
[docs]def description(object): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> str """ Return short description for object. :param object: |UDM| object. """ if hasattr(object, 'description'): return object.description() else: description = None object_module = module(object) object_module = univention.admin.modules.get(object_module) if hasattr(object_module, 'property_descriptions'): for name, property in object_module.property_descriptions.items(): if property.identifies: syntax = property.syntax description = syntax.tostring(object[name]) break if not description: if object.dn: description = univention.admin.uldap.explodeDn(object.dn, 1)[0] ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'falling back to rdn: %s' % (object.dn)) else: description = 'None' return description
[docs]def shadow(lo, module, object, position): # type: (univention.admin.uldap.access, univention.admin.modules.UdmModule, univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, univention.admin.uldap.position) -> Union[Tuple[univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, univention.admin.modules.UdmModule], Tuple[None, None]] """ If object is a container, return object and module the container shadows (that is usually the one that is subordinate in the LDAP tree). :param lo: |LDAP| connection. :param module: |UDM| handler. :param object: |UDM| object. :param position: |UDM| position instance. :returnd: 2-tuple (module, object) or `(None, None)` """ if not object: return (None, None) dn = object.dn # this is equivalent to if ...; while 1: while univention.admin.modules.isContainer(module): dn = lo.parentDn(dn) if not dn: return (None, None) attr = lo.get(dn) for m in univention.admin.modules.identify(dn, attr): if not univention.admin.modules.isContainer(m): o = get(m, None, lo, position=position, dn=dn) return (m, o) # module is not a container return (module, object)
[docs]def dn(object): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> Optional[str] """ Return the |DN| of the object. :param object: |UDM| object. :returns: the |DN| or `None`. """ return getattr(object, 'dn', None)
[docs]def ocToType(oc): # type: (str) -> Optional[str] """ Return the |UDM| module capabale of handling the given |LDAP| objectClass. :param oc: |LDAP| object class. :returns: name of the |UDM| module. """ for module in univention.admin.modules.modules.values(): if univention.admin.modules.policyOc(module) == oc: return return None # FIXME
[docs]def fixedAttribute(object, key): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str) -> int """ Check if the named property is a fixed attribute (not overwritten by more specific policies). :param object: |UDM| object. :param key: |UDM| property name :returns: `True` if the property is fixed, `False` otherwise. """ if not hasattr(object, 'fixedAttributes'): return False return object.fixedAttributes().get(key, False)
[docs]def emptyAttribute(object, key): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str) -> int """ Check if the named property is an empty attribute (reset to empty by a general policy). :param object: |UDM| object. :param key: |UDM| property name :returns: `True` if the property is empty, `False` otherwise. """ if not hasattr(object, 'emptyAttributes'): return False return object.emptyAttributes().get(key, False)
[docs]def getPolicyReference(object, policy_type): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str) -> Optional[univention.admin.handlers.simplePolicy] """ Return the policy of the requested type. :param object: |UDM| object. :param policy_type: Name of the |UDM| policy to lookup. :returns: The policy applying to the object or `None`. """ # FIXME: Move this to handlers.simpleLdap? policyReference = None for policy_dn in object.policies: for m in univention.admin.modules.identify(policy_dn, object.lo.get(policy_dn)): if == policy_type: policyReference = policy_dn ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'getPolicyReference: returning: %s' % policyReference) return policyReference
[docs]def removePolicyReference(object, policy_type): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str) -> None """ Remove the policy of the requested type. :param object: |UDM| object. :param policy_type: Name of the |UDM| policy to lookup. """ # FIXME: Move this to handlers.simpleLdap? remove = None for policy_dn in object.policies: for m in univention.admin.modules.identify(policy_dn, object.lo.get(policy_dn)): if == policy_type: remove = policy_dn if remove: ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'removePolicyReference: removing reference: %s' % remove) object.policies.remove(remove)
[docs]def replacePolicyReference(object, policy_type, new_reference): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str, univention.admin.handlers.simplePolicy) -> None """ Replace the policy of the requested type with a new instance. :param object: |UDM| object. :param policy_type: Name of the |UDM| policy to lookup. """ # FIXME: Move this to handlers.simpleLdap? module = univention.admin.modules.get(policy_type) if not univention.admin.modules.recognize(module, new_reference, object.lo.get(new_reference)): ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'replacePolicyReference: error.') return removePolicyReference(object, policy_type) ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'replacePolicyReference: appending reference: %s' % new_reference) object.policies.append(new_reference)
[docs]def restorePolicyReference(object, policy_type): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap, str) -> None """ Restore the policy of the requested type. :param object: |UDM| object. :param policy_type: Name of the |UDM| policy to lookup. """ # FIXME: Move this to handlers.simpleLdap? module = univention.admin.modules.get(policy_type) if not module: return removePolicyReference(object, policy_type) restore = None for policy_dn in object.oldpolicies: if univention.admin.modules.recognize(module, policy_dn, object.lo.get(policy_dn)): restore = policy_dn if restore: object.policies.append(restore)
[docs]def wantsCleanup(object): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> bool """ Check if the given object wants to perform a cleanup (delete other objects, etc.) before it is deleted itself. :param object: parent object. :returns: `True´ if a cleanup is requested, `False` otherwise. """ # TODO make this a method of object wantsCleanup = False object_module = module(object) object_module = univention.admin.modules.get(object_module) if hasattr(object_module, 'docleanup'): wantsCleanup = object_module.docleanup return wantsCleanup
[docs]def performCleanup(object): # type: (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) -> None """ some objects create other objects. remove those if necessary. :param object: parent object. """ try: object.cleanup() except Exception: pass # TODO: add logging