Source code for univention.connector

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention AD Connector
#  Basic class for the UCS connector part
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

from __future__ import print_function

from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
import copy
import os
import re
import random
import sys
import traceback
import pprint
import collections
from types import FunctionType

import ldap
from ldap.controls.readentry import PostReadControl
from samba.ndr import ndr_unpack
from samba.dcerpc import misc
import sqlite3 as lite

import univention.uldap
import univention.admin.uldap
import univention.admin.modules
import univention.admin.objects
import univention.debug as ud_c
import univention.debug2 as ud

from univention.connector.adcache import ADCache

term_signal_caught = False


except AttributeError:
	ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'univention.admin.handlers.disable_ad_restrictions is not available')

[docs]def decode_guid(value): return str(ndr_unpack(misc.GUID, value))
password_charsets = [ 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', '0123456789', r'^!\$%&/()=?{[]}+~#-_.:,;<>|\\', ]
[docs]def generate_strong_password(length=24): pwd = [] charset = random.choice(password_charsets) while len(pwd) < length: pwd.append(random.choice(charset)) charset = random.choice(list(set(password_charsets) - set([charset]))) return "".join(pwd)
[docs]def set_ucs_passwd_user(connector, key, ucs_object): ''' set random password to fulfill required values ''' ucs_object['password'] = generate_strong_password()
[docs]def check_ucs_lastname_user(connector, key, ucs_object): ''' check if required values for lastname are set ''' if not ucs_object.has_property('lastname') or not ucs_object['lastname']: ucs_object['lastname'] = ucs_object.get('username')
[docs]def set_primary_group_user(connector, key, ucs_object): ''' check if correct primary group is set ''' connector.set_primary_group_to_ucs_user(key, ucs_object)
# compare functions # helper
[docs]def dictonary_lowercase(dict_): if isinstance(dict_, dict): ndict = {} for key in dict_.keys(): ndict[key] = [] for val in dict_[key]: ndict[key].append(val.lower()) return ndict elif isinstance(dict_, list): nlist = [] for d in dict_: nlist.append(d.lower()) return nlist else: try: # should be string return dict_.lower() except Exception: # FIXME: which exception is to be caught? pass
[docs]def compare_normal(val1, val2): return val1 == val2
[docs]def compare_lowercase(val1, val2): try: # TODO: fails if conversion to ascii-str raises exception if dictonary_lowercase(val1) == dictonary_lowercase(val2): return True else: return False except Exception: # FIXME: which exception is to be caught? return False
# helper classes
[docs]class configdb(object): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs] def get_by_value(self, section, option): for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT key FROM '%s' WHERE value=?" % section, (option,)) rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() if rows: return rows[0][0] return '' except lite.Error: if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs] def get(self, section, option): for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT value FROM '%s' WHERE key=?" % section, (option,)) rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() if rows: return rows[0][0] return '' except lite.Error: if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value): cmd = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO '%s' (key, value) VALUES (?, ?);" % (section,) val = [option, value] if section == "AD rejected": # update retry_count cmd = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO '%s' (key, value, retry_count) VALUES (?, ?, COALESCE((SELECT retry_count FROM '%s' WHERE key = ? )+1 ,0));" % (section, section) val = [option, value, option] for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() cur.execute(cmd, val) self._dbcon.commit() cur.close() return except lite.Error as e: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "sqlite: %s" % e) if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs] def items(self, section): for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM '%s'" % (section)) rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return rows except lite.Error as e: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "sqlite: %s" % e) if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs] def remove_option(self, section, option): for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() cur.execute("DELETE FROM '%s' WHERE key=?" % section, (option,)) self._dbcon.commit() cur.close() return except lite.Error as e: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "sqlite: %s" % e) if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs] def has_section(self, section): for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?;", (section,)) rows = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if rows: return True else: return False except lite.Error as e: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "sqlite: %s" % e) if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs] def add_section(self, section): for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() if section in ["AD rejected"]: cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '%s' (Key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Value TEXT, retry_count NUMBER DEFAULT 0)" % section) else: cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '%s' (Key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Value TEXT)" % section) self._dbcon.commit() cur.close() return except lite.Error as e: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "sqlite: %s" % e) if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs] def has_option(self, section, option): for i in [1, 2]: try: cur = self._dbcon.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT value FROM '%s' WHERE key=?" % section, (option,)) rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() if rows: return True else: return False except lite.Error as e: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "sqlite: %s" % e) if self._dbcon: self._dbcon.close() self._dbcon = lite.connect(self.filename)
[docs]class Mapping(object): def __init__(self, mapping): self.mapping = mapping def __repr__(self): mapping_lines = ['{'] indent = "\t" for mapping_key, mapping_property in sorted(self.mapping.items()): prop_repr = '\n'.join(indent + x for x in repr(mapping_property).splitlines()).lstrip('\t') mapping_lines.append("%s%r: %s" % (indent, mapping_key, prop_repr)) mapping_lines.append("}") return '\n'.join(mapping_lines) return pprint.pformat(self.mapping, indent=4, width=250)
[docs]class attribute(object): """A mapping attribute description :param ucs_attribute: The property name of the object in UDM :type ucs_attribute: str :param ldap_attribute: The LDAP attribute name of the object in UCS LDAP :type ldap_attribute: str :param con_attribute: The LDAP attribute name of the object in AD LDAP :type con_attribute: str :param con_other_attribute: Further LDAP attribute name of the object in AD LDAP. :type con_other_attribute: str :param required: unused :type required: bool :param single_value: Whether the attribute is single_value in the AD LDAP. :type single_value: bool :param compare_function: A comparision function which compares raw ldap attribute values. :type compare_function: callable :param mapping: Mapping functions for (sync_to_ad, sync_to_ucs) :ptype mapping: tuple :param reverse_attribute_check: Make a reverse check of this mapping, if the mapping is not 1:1. :ptype reverse_attribute_check: bool :param sync_mode: The syncronization direction (read, write, sync) :ptype sync_mode: str """ def __init__(self, ucs_attribute='', ldap_attribute='', con_attribute='', con_other_attribute='', required=0, single_value=False, compare_function='', mapping=(), reverse_attribute_check=False, sync_mode='sync', con_depends='', con_attribute_encoding='UTF-8'): self.ucs_attribute = ucs_attribute self.ldap_attribute = ldap_attribute self.con_attribute = con_attribute self.con_attribute_encoding = con_attribute_encoding self.con_other_attribute = con_other_attribute self.con_depends = con_depends self.required = required # If no compare_function is given, we default to `compare_normal()` self.compare_function = compare_function or compare_normal if mapping: self.mapping = mapping # Make a reverse check of this mapping. This is neccessary if the attribute is # available in UCS and in AD but the mapping is not 1:1. # For example the homeDirectory attribute is in UCS and in AD, but the mapping is # from homeDirectory in AD to sambaHomePath in UCS. The homeDirectory in UCS is not # considered. # Seee self.reverse_attribute_check = reverse_attribute_check self.sync_mode = sync_mode self.single_value = single_value def __repr__(self): mapping_lines = ["univention.connector.attribute("] indent = "\t" for attribute_member in sorted(vars(self)): subsubobj = getattr(self, attribute_member) if not subsubobj: continue if isinstance(subsubobj, FunctionType): mapping_lines.append("%s%s = %s.%s, # function" % (indent, attribute_member, subsubobj.__module__, subsubobj.__name__)) else: mapping_lines.append("%s%s = %r," % (indent, attribute_member, subsubobj)) mapping_lines.append(")") return '\n'.join(mapping_lines) return 'univention.connector.attribute(**%s)' % (pprint.pformat(dict(self.__dict__), indent=4, width=250),)
[docs]class property(object): def __init__( self, ucs_default_dn='', con_default_dn='', ucs_module='', ucs_module_others=[], sync_mode='', scope='', con_search_filter='', ignore_filter=None, match_filter=None, ignore_subtree=[], con_create_objectclass=[], con_create_attributes=[], dn_mapping_function=[], attributes=None, ucs_create_functions=[], post_con_create_functions=[], post_con_modify_functions=[], post_ucs_modify_functions=[], post_attributes=None, mapping_table=None, position_mapping=[], con_subtree_delete_objects=[]): self.ucs_default_dn = ucs_default_dn self.con_default_dn = con_default_dn self.ucs_module = ucs_module # allow a 1:n mapping, for example a Windows client # could be a computers/windows or a computers/memberserver # object self.ucs_module_others = ucs_module_others self.sync_mode = sync_mode self.scope = scope self.con_search_filter = con_search_filter self.ignore_filter = ignore_filter self.match_filter = match_filter self.ignore_subtree = ignore_subtree self.con_create_objectclass = con_create_objectclass self.con_create_attributes = con_create_attributes self.dn_mapping_function = dn_mapping_function self.attributes = attributes self.ucs_create_functions = ucs_create_functions self.post_con_create_functions = post_con_create_functions self.post_con_modify_functions = post_con_modify_functions self.post_ucs_modify_functions = post_ucs_modify_functions self.post_attributes = post_attributes self.mapping_table = mapping_table or {} self.position_mapping = position_mapping self.con_subtree_delete_objects = con_subtree_delete_objects def __repr__(self): mapping_lines = [''] indent = "\t" for conn_attribute in sorted(vars(self)): subobj = getattr(self, conn_attribute) if not subobj: continue if isinstance(subobj, dict): mapping_lines.append("%s%s = {" % (indent, conn_attribute)) for attr_key, mapping_attr in subobj.items(): attr_repr = '\n'.join(indent + indent + x for x in repr(mapping_attr).splitlines()).lstrip('\t') mapping_lines.append("%s%r: %s," % (indent + indent, attr_key, attr_repr)) mapping_lines.append("%s}," % (indent,)) elif isinstance(subobj, list): if subobj and isinstance(subobj[0], FunctionType): subobj = ['<function %s.%s()>' % (x.__module__, x.__name__) for x in subobj] mapping_lines.append("%s%s = %s," % (indent, conn_attribute, '\n'.join(indent + indent + x for x in pprint.pformat(subobj).splitlines()).lstrip(indent))) else: mapping_lines.append("%s%s = %r," % (indent, conn_attribute, subobj)) mapping_lines.append(")") return '\n'.join(mapping_lines) return '**%s)' % (pprint.pformat(dict(self.__dict__), indent=4, width=250),)
[docs]class ucs(object): def __init__(self, CONFIGBASENAME, _property, configRegistry, listener_dir, logfilename, debug_level): self.CONFIGBASENAME = CONFIGBASENAME self.configRegistry = configRegistry = _property # this is the mapping! self._logfile = logfilename or '/var/log/univention/%s-ad.log' % self.CONFIGBASENAME self._debug_level = debug_level or int(self.configRegistry.get('%s/debug/level' % self.CONFIGBASENAME, ud.PROCESS)) self.init_debug() self.listener_dir = listener_dir configdbfile = '/etc/univention/%s/internal.sqlite' % self.CONFIGBASENAME self.config = configdb(configdbfile) adcachedbfile = '/etc/univention/%s/adcache.sqlite' % self.CONFIGBASENAME self.adcache = ADCache(adcachedbfile) for section in ['DN Mapping UCS', 'DN Mapping CON', 'UCS rejected', 'UCS deleted', 'UCS entryCSN']: if not self.config.has_section(section): self.config.add_section(section) irrelevant_attributes = self.configRegistry.get('%s/ad/mapping/attributes/irrelevant' % (self.CONFIGBASENAME,), '') self.irrelevant_attributes = set(irrelevant_attributes.split(','))
[docs] def init_ldap_connections(self): self.open_ucs()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, etype=None, exc=None, etraceback=None): self.close_debug()
[docs] def dn_mapped_to_base(self, dn, base): """Introduced for Bug #33110: Fix case of base part of DN""" if dn.endswith(base): return dn return self._subtree_replace(dn, base.lower(), base)
[docs] def open_ucs(self): bindpw_file = self.configRegistry.get('%s/ldap/bindpw' % self.CONFIGBASENAME, '/etc/ldap.secret') binddn = self.configRegistry.get('%s/ldap/binddn' % self.CONFIGBASENAME, 'cn=admin,' + self.configRegistry['ldap/base']) with open(bindpw_file) as fd: bindpw = host = self.configRegistry.get('%s/ldap/server' % self.CONFIGBASENAME, self.configRegistry.get('ldap/master')) try: port = int(self.configRegistry.get('%s/ldap/port' % self.CONFIGBASENAME, self.configRegistry.get('ldap/master/port', 7389))) except ValueError: port = 7389 self.lo = univention.admin.uldap.access(host=host, port=port, base=self.configRegistry['ldap/base'], binddn=binddn, bindpw=bindpw, start_tls=2, follow_referral=True)
[docs] def search_ucs(self, filter='(objectClass=*)', base='', scope='sub', attr=[], unique=0, required=0, timeout=-1, sizelimit=0): try: result =, base=base, scope=scope, attr=attr, unique=unique, required=required, timeout=timeout, sizelimit=sizelimit) return result except univention.admin.uexceptions.ldapError as search_exception: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'Lost connection to the LDAP server. Trying to reconnect ...') try: self.open_ucs() except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'LDAP-Server seems to be down') raise search_exception
[docs] def init_debug(self): try: function_level = int(self.configRegistry.get('%s/debug/function' % self.CONFIGBASENAME, ud.NO_FUNCTION)) except ValueError: function_level = ud.NO_FUNCTION ud.init(self._logfile, ud.WARN, function_level) ud.set_level(ud.LDAP, self._debug_level) try: udm_function_level = int(self.configRegistry.get('%s/debug/udm/function' % self.CONFIGBASENAME, ud.NO_FUNCTION)) except ValueError: udm_function_level = ud.NO_FUNCTION ud_c.init(self._logfile, ud.WARN, udm_function_level) try: udm_debug_level = int(self.configRegistry.get('%s/debug/udm/level' % self.CONFIGBASENAME, ud.WARN)) except ValueError: udm_debug_level = ud.WARN for category in (ud.ADMIN, ud.LDAP): ud_c.set_level(category, udm_debug_level)
[docs] def close_debug(self): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "close debug")
def _get_config_option(self, section, option): return self.config.get(section, option) def _set_config_option(self, section, option, value): self.config.set(section, option, value) def _remove_config_option(self, section, option): self.config.remove_option(section, option) def _get_config_items(self, section): return self.config.items(section) def _save_rejected_ucs(self, filename, dn, resync=True, reason=''): if not resync: # Note that unescaped <> are invalid in DNs. See also: # `_list_rejected_ucs()`. dn = '<NORESYNC{}:{}>;{}'.format('=' + reason if reason else '', os.path.basename(filename), dn) self._set_config_option('UCS rejected', filename, dn) def _remove_rejected_ucs(self, filename): self._remove_config_option('UCS rejected', filename)
[docs] def list_rejected_ucs(self, filter_noresync=False): rejected = self._get_config_items('UCS rejected') if filter_noresync: no_resync = re.compile('^<NORESYNC(=.*?)?>;') return [(fn, dn) for (fn, dn) in rejected if no_resync.match(dn) is None] return rejected
def _list_rejected_ucs(self): return self.list_rejected_ucs(filter_noresync=True) def _list_rejected_filenames_ucs(self): return [fn for (fn, dn) in self.list_rejected_ucs()] def _set_dn_mapping(self, dn_ucs, dn_con): self._set_config_option('DN Mapping UCS', dn_ucs.lower(), dn_con.lower()) self._set_config_option('DN Mapping CON', dn_con.lower(), dn_ucs.lower()) def _remove_dn_mapping(self, dn_ucs, dn_con): # delete all if mapping failed in the past dn_con_mapped = self._get_dn_by_ucs(dn_ucs.lower()) dn_ucs_mapped = self._get_dn_by_con(dn_con.lower()) dn_con_re_mapped = self._get_dn_by_ucs(dn_ucs_mapped.lower()) dn_ucs_re_mapped = self._get_dn_by_con(dn_con_mapped.lower()) for ucs, con in [(dn_ucs, dn_con), (dn_ucs_mapped, dn_con_mapped), (dn_ucs_re_mapped, dn_con_re_mapped)]: if con: self._remove_config_option('DN Mapping CON', con.lower()) if ucs: self._remove_config_option('DN Mapping UCS', ucs.lower()) def _remember_entryCSN_commited_by_connector(self, entryUUID, entryCSN): """Remember the entryCSN of a change committed by the AD-Connector itself""" value = self._get_config_option('UCS entryCSN', entryUUID) if value: entryCSN_set = set(value.split(',')) entryCSN_set.add(entryCSN) value = ','.join(entryCSN_set) else: value = entryCSN self._set_config_option('UCS entryCSN', entryUUID, value) def _forget_entryCSN(self, entryUUID, entryCSN): value = self._get_config_option('UCS entryCSN', entryUUID) if not value: return False entryCSN_set = set(value.split(',')) if entryCSN not in entryCSN_set: return False entryCSN_set.remove(entryCSN) if entryCSN_set: value = ','.join(entryCSN_set) self._set_config_option('UCS entryCSN', entryUUID, value) else: self._remove_config_option('UCS entryCSN', entryUUID) return True def _get_dn_by_ucs(self, dn_ucs): return self._get_config_option('DN Mapping UCS', dn_ucs.lower())
[docs] def get_dn_by_ucs(self, dn_ucs): if not dn_ucs: return dn_ucs dn = self._get_dn_by_ucs(dn_ucs) return self.dn_mapped_to_base(dn, self.lo_ad.base)
def _get_dn_by_con(self, dn_con): if not dn_con: return dn_con return self._get_config_option('DN Mapping CON', dn_con.lower())
[docs] def get_dn_by_con(self, dn_con): dn = self._get_dn_by_con(dn_con) return self.dn_mapped_to_base(dn, self.lo.base)
def _check_dn_mapping(self, dn_ucs, dn_con): dn_con_mapped = self._get_dn_by_ucs(dn_ucs.lower()) dn_ucs_mapped = self._get_dn_by_con(dn_con.lower()) if dn_con_mapped != dn_con.lower() or dn_ucs_mapped != dn_ucs.lower(): self._remove_dn_mapping(dn_ucs.lower(), dn_con_mapped.lower()) self._remove_dn_mapping(dn_ucs_mapped.lower(), dn_con.lower()) self._set_dn_mapping(dn_ucs.lower(), dn_con.lower()) def _debug_traceback(self, level, text): ''' print traceback with ud.debug, level is i.e. ud.INFO ''' ud.debug(ud.LDAP, level, text) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, level, traceback.format_exc()) def __sync_file_from_ucs(self, filename, append_error='', traceback_level=ud.WARN): ''' sync changes from UCS stored in given file ''' try: with open(filename, 'rb') as fob: (dn, new, old, old_dn) = pickle.load(fob, encoding='bytes') # With the Python 2 listener pickle files we got bytes here, otherwise already string if isinstance(dn, bytes): dn = dn.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(old_dn, bytes): old_dn = old_dn.decode('utf-8') except IOError: return True # file not found so there's nothing to sync except (pickle.UnpicklingError, EOFError) as e: message = 'file emtpy' if isinstance(e, EOFError) else e.message ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, '__sync_file_from_ucs: invalid pickle file {}: {}'.format(filename, message)) # ignore corrupted pickle file, but save as rejected to not try again self._save_rejected_ucs(filename, 'unknown', resync=False, reason='broken file') return False if dn == 'cn=Subschema': return True def recode_attribs(attribs): return dict((key.decode('UTF-8') if isinstance(key, bytes) else key, value) for key, value in attribs.items()) new = recode_attribs(new) old = recode_attribs(old) key = None # if the object was moved into a ignored tree # we should delete this object ignore_subtree_match = False _attr = new or old _mod, key = self.identify_udm_object(dn, _attr) if not new: change_type = "delete" ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: object was deleted") entryUUID = old.get('entryUUID', [b''])[0].decode('ASCII') entryCSN = old.get('entryCSN', [b''])[0].decode('ASCII') self._forget_entryCSN(entryUUID, entryCSN) else: entryUUID = new.get('entryUUID', [b''])[0].decode('ASCII') if entryUUID: if self.was_entryUUID_deleted(entryUUID): if self._get_entryUUID(dn) == entryUUID: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "__sync_file_from_ucs: Object with entryUUID %s has been removed before but became visible again." % entryUUID) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "__sync_file_from_ucs: Object with entryUUID %s has been removed before. Don't re-create." % entryUUID) return True else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "__sync_file_from_ucs: Object without entryUUID: %s" % (dn,)) return False entryCSN = new.get('entryCSN', [b''])[0].decode('ASCII') if self._forget_entryCSN(entryUUID, entryCSN): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: Skipping back-sync of %s %s" % (key, dn)) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: because entryCSN %s was written by sync_to_ucs" % (entryCSN,)) return True # ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: old: %s" % old) # ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: new: %s" % new) if old and new: change_type = "modify" ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: object was modified") if old_dn and not old_dn == dn: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: object was moved") # object was moved new_object = {'dn': dn, 'modtype': change_type, 'attributes': new} old_object = {'dn': old_dn, 'modtype': change_type, 'attributes': old} if self._ignore_object(key, new_object): # moved into ignored subtree, delete: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: moved object is now ignored, will delete it") change_type = 'delete' ignore_subtree_match = True if self._ignore_object(key, old_object): # moved from ignored subtree, add: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: moved object was ignored, will add it") change_type = 'add' else: object = {'dn': dn, 'modtype': 'modify', 'attributes': new} try: if self._ignore_object(key, object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: new object is ignored, nothing to do") change_type = 'modify' ignore_subtree_match = True return True else: if old_dn and not old_dn == dn: change_type = "modify" ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: object was moved") else: change_type = "add" old_dn = '' # there may be an old_dn if object was moved from ignored container ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: object was added: %s" % dn) except (ldap.SERVER_DOWN, SystemExit): raise except Exception: # FIXME: which exception is to be caught? # the ignore_object method might throw an exception if the subschema will be synced change_type = "add" old_dn = '' # there may be an old_dn if object was moved from ignored container ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: object was added: %s" % dn) if key: if change_type == 'delete': if old_dn: object = {'dn': old_dn, 'modtype': change_type, 'attributes': old} else: object = {'dn': dn, 'modtype': change_type, 'attributes': old} else: object = {'dn': dn, 'modtype': change_type, 'attributes': new} if change_type == 'modify' and old_dn: object['olddn'] = old_dn # needed for correct samaccount-mapping if not self._ignore_object(key, object) or ignore_subtree_match: pre_mapped_ucs_dn = object['dn'] # NOTE: pre_mapped_ucs_dn means: original ucs_dn (i.e. before _object_mapping) mapped_object = self._object_mapping(key, object, 'ucs') if not self._ignore_object(key, object) or ignore_subtree_match: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: finished mapping") if change_type == 'modify': # to be able to compare mapped values we need to map the old state of the object too if old_dn: object_old = {'dn': object['olddn'], 'modtype': change_type, 'attributes': old} else: object_old = {'dn': object['dn'], 'modtype': change_type, 'attributes': old} object_old = self._object_mapping(key, object_old, 'ucs') else: object_old = {'dn': object['dn'], 'modtype': change_type, 'attributes': {}} # Dummy try: if not self.sync_from_ucs(key, mapped_object, pre_mapped_ucs_dn, old_dn, object_old): self._save_rejected_ucs(filename, dn) return False else: return True except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: raise except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: self._save_rejected_ucs(filename, dn) if traceback_level == ud.INFO: self._debug_traceback(traceback_level, "The sync failed. This could be because the parent object does not exist. This object will be synced in next sync step.") else: self._debug_traceback(traceback_level, "sync failed, saved as rejected\n\t%s" % (filename,)) return False except Exception: self._save_rejected_ucs(filename, dn) self._debug_traceback(traceback_level, "sync failed, saved as rejected\n\t%s" % (filename,)) return False else: return True else: return True else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "__sync_file_from_ucs: No mapping was found for dn: %s" % dn) return True
[docs] def get_ucs_ldap_object_dn(self, dn): try: return self.lo.lo.lo.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectClass=*)', ('dn',))[0][0] except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: return except ldap.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX: return None except ldap.INVALID_SYNTAX: return None
[docs] def get_ucs_ldap_object(self, dn): try: return self.lo.get(dn, required=True) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: return None except ldap.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX: return None except ldap.INVALID_SYNTAX: return None
[docs] def get_ucs_object(self, property_type, dn): ucs_object = None searchdn = dn try: attr = self.get_ucs_ldap_object(searchdn) if not attr: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "get_ucs_object: object not found: %s" % searchdn) return None module, key = self.identify_udm_object(searchdn, attr) if not module: module = self.modules[property_type] # default, determined by mapping filter ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "get_ucs_object: could not identify UDM object type: %s" % searchdn) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "get_ucs_object: using default: %s" % module.module) ucs_object = univention.admin.objects.get(module, co=None, lo=self.lo, position='', dn=searchdn) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "get_ucs_object: object found: %s" % searchdn) except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: raise except Exception: # FIXME: which exception is to be caught? ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "get_ucs_object: object search failed: %s" % searchdn) self._debug_traceback(ud.WARN, "get_ucs_object: failure was: \n\t") return None return ucs_object
[docs] def initialize_ucs(self): print("--------------------------------------") print("Initialize sync from UCS") sys.stdout.flush() # load UCS Modules self.modules = {} self.modules_others = {} position = univention.admin.uldap.position(self.lo.base) for key, mapping in if mapping.ucs_module: self.modules[key] = univention.admin.modules.get(mapping.ucs_module) if hasattr(mapping, 'identify'): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "Override identify function for %s" % key) self.modules[key].identify = mapping.identify else: self.modules[key] = None univention.admin.modules.init(self.lo, position, self.modules[key]) self.modules_others[key] = [] if mapping.ucs_module_others: for m in mapping.ucs_module_others: if m: self.modules_others[key].append(univention.admin.modules.get(m)) for m in self.modules_others[key]: if m: univention.admin.modules.init(self.lo, position, m) # try to resync rejected changes self.resync_rejected_ucs() # call poll_ucs to sync self.poll_ucs() print("--------------------------------------") sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def initialize(self): # dummy pass
[docs] def resync_rejected_ucs(self): ''' tries to resync rejected changes from UCS ''' rejected = self._list_rejected_ucs() change_counter = 0 print("--------------------------------------") print("Sync %s rejected changes from UCS" % len(rejected)) sys.stdout.flush() if rejected: for filename, dn in rejected: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, 'sync from ucs: Resync rejected file: %s' % (filename)) try: if self.__sync_file_from_ucs(filename, append_error=' rejected'): try: os.remove(os.path.join(filename)) except OSError: # file not found pass self._remove_rejected_ucs(filename) change_counter += 1 except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: raise except Exception: # FIXME: which exception is to be caught? self._save_rejected_ucs(filename, dn) self._debug_traceback(ud.WARN, "sync failed, saved as rejected \n\t%s" % filename) print("restored %s rejected changes" % change_counter) print("--------------------------------------") sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def resync_rejected(self): # dummy pass
[docs] def poll_ucs(self): ''' poll changes from UCS: iterates over files exported by directory-listener module ''' # check for changes from ucs ldap directory change_counter = 0 MAX_SYNC_IN_ONE_INTERVAL = 50000 self.rejected_files = self._list_rejected_filenames_ucs() print("--------------------------------------") print("try to sync %s changes from UCS" % (min(len(os.listdir(self.listener_dir)) - 1, MAX_SYNC_IN_ONE_INTERVAL))) print("done:", end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() done_counter = 0 files = sorted(os.listdir(self.listener_dir)) # Only synchronize the first MAX_SYNC_IN_ONE_INTERVAL changes otherwise # the change list is too long and it took too much time files = files[:MAX_SYNC_IN_ONE_INTERVAL] # We may dropped the parent object, so don't show the traceback in any case traceback_level = ud.WARN for listener_file in files: sync_successfull = False filename = os.path.join(self.listener_dir, listener_file) if os.path.isfile(filename): if filename not in self.rejected_files: try: with open(filename, 'rb') as fob: (dn, new, old, old_dn) = pickle.load(fob, encoding='bytes') if isinstance(dn, bytes): dn = dn.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(old_dn, bytes): old_dn = old_dn.decode('utf-8') except IOError: continue # file not found so there's nothing to sync except (pickle.UnpicklingError, EOFError) as e: message = 'file emtpy' if isinstance(e, EOFError) else e.message ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, 'poll_ucs: invalid pickle file {}: {}'.format(filename, message)) # ignore corrupted pickle file, but save as rejected to not try again self._save_rejected_ucs(filename, 'unknown', resync=False, reason='broken file') continue # If the list contains more than one file, the DN will be synced later # but if the object was added or removed, the synchonization is required for i in [0, 1]: # do it twice if the LDAP connection was closed try: sync_successfull = self.__sync_file_from_ucs(filename, traceback_level=traceback_level) except (ldap.SERVER_DOWN, SystemExit): # once again, ldap idletimeout ... if i == 0: self.open_ucs() continue raise except Exception: self._save_rejected_ucs(filename, dn) # We may dropped the parent object, so don't show this warning self._debug_traceback(traceback_level, "sync failed, saved as rejected \n\t%s" % filename) if sync_successfull: os.remove(os.path.join(self.listener_dir, listener_file)) change_counter += 1 break done_counter += 1 print("%s" % done_counter, end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() print("") self.rejected_files = self._list_rejected_filenames_ucs() if self.rejected_files: print("Changes from UCS: %s (%s saved rejected)" % (change_counter, len(self.rejected_files))) else: print("Changes from UCS: %s (%s saved rejected)" % (change_counter, '0')) print("--------------------------------------") sys.stdout.flush() if self.profiling and change_counter: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "POLL FROM UCS: Processed %s" % (change_counter,)) return change_counter
[docs] def poll(self, show_deleted=True): # dummy pass
def __set_values(self, property_type, object, ucs_object, modtype='modify'): if not modtype == 'add': ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: object: %s' % object) def set_values(attributes): if attributes.ldap_attribute in object['attributes']: ucs_key = attributes.ucs_attribute if ucs_key: value = object['attributes'][attributes.ldap_attribute] ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: set attribute, ucs_key: %s - value: %s' % (ucs_key, value)) if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1: value = value[0] if attributes.con_attribute_encoding: value = [x.decode(attributes.con_attribute_encoding) for x in value] if isinstance(value, list) else value.decode(attributes.con_attribute_encoding) # set encoding compare = [ucs_object[ucs_key], value] if not attributes.compare_function(compare[0], compare[1]): # This is deduplication of LDAP attribute values for AD -> UCS. # It preserves ordering of the attribute values which is # important for the handling of `con_other_attribute`. ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "set key in ucs-object %s to value: %r" % (ucs_key, value)) if not ucs_object.has_property(ucs_key) and ucs_key in ucs_object: ucs_object.options.extend(ucs_object.descriptions[ucs_key].options) if isinstance(value, list): ucs_object[ucs_key] = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(value)) else: ucs_object[ucs_key] = value ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "result key in ucs-object %s: %r" % (ucs_key, ucs_object[ucs_key])) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: no ucs_attribute found in %s' % attributes) else: # the value isn't set in the AD directory, but it could be set in UCS, so we should delete it on UCS side # prevent value resets of mandatory attributes mandatory_attrs = ['lastname'] ucs_key = attributes.ucs_attribute if ucs_object.has_property(ucs_key): # Special handling for con other attributes, see Bug #20599 if attributes.con_other_attribute: value = object['attributes'].get(attributes.con_other_attribute) if value: if attributes.con_attribute_encoding: value = [x.decode(attributes.con_attribute_encoding) for x in value] if isinstance(value, list) else value.decode(attributes.con_attribute_encoding) ucs_object[ucs_key] = value ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: no ldap_attribute defined in %r, we set the key %r in the ucs-object to con_other_attribute %r' % (object['dn'], ucs_key, attributes.con_other_attribute)) elif ucs_key not in mandatory_attrs: ucs_object[ucs_key] = [] ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: no ldap_attribute defined in %r, we unset the key %r in the ucs-object' % (object['dn'], ucs_key)) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, '__set_values: The attributes for %s have not been removed as it represents a mandatory attribute' % ucs_key) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: no ldap_attribute defined in %r, we unset the key %r in the ucs-object' % (object['dn'], ucs_key)) if ucs_key not in mandatory_attrs: ucs_object[ucs_key] = [] else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, '__set_values: The attributes for %s have not been removed as it represents a mandatory attribute' % ucs_key) MAPPING =[property_type] for attributes in MAPPING.attributes.values(): if attributes.sync_mode not in ['read', 'sync']: continue con_attribute = attributes.con_attribute con_other_attribute = attributes.con_other_attribute changed_attributes = object.get('changed_attributes') changed = not changed_attributes or con_attribute in changed_attributes or (con_other_attribute and con_other_attribute in changed_attributes) or attributes.con_depends in changed_attributes if changed or modtype == 'add': ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: Set: %s' % con_attribute) set_values(attributes) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: Skip: %s' % con_attribute) # post-values if not MAPPING.post_attributes: return for attr_key, post_attributes in MAPPING.post_attributes.items(): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: mapping for attribute: %s' % attr_key) if post_attributes.sync_mode not in ['read', 'sync']: continue con_attribute = post_attributes.con_attribute con_other_attribute = post_attributes.con_other_attribute changed_attributes = object.get('changed_attributes') changed = not changed_attributes or con_attribute in changed_attributes or (con_other_attribute and con_other_attribute in changed_attributes) or post_attributes.con_depends in changed_attributes if changed or modtype == 'add': ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: Set: %s' % con_attribute) if post_attributes.reverse_attribute_check: if object['attributes'].get(post_attributes.ldap_attribute): set_values(post_attributes) else: ucs_object[post_attributes.ucs_attribute] = '' else: set_values(post_attributes) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, '__set_values: Skip: %s' % con_attribute)
[docs] def add_in_ucs(self, property_type, object, module, position): ucs_object = module.object(None, self.lo, position=position) if property_type == 'group': ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "sync_to_ucs: remove %s from ucs group cache" % object['dn']) self.group_members_cache_ucs[object['dn'].lower()] = set() self.__set_values(property_type, object, ucs_object, modtype='add') for ucs_create_function in[property_type].ucs_create_functions: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "Call ucs_create_functions: %s" % ucs_create_function) ucs_create_function(self, property_type, ucs_object) serverctrls = [] response = {} serverctrls = [PostReadControl(True, ['entryUUID', 'entryCSN'])] res = ucs_object.create(serverctrls=serverctrls, response=response) if res: for c in response.get('ctrls', []): if c.controlType == PostReadControl.controlType: entryUUID = c.entry['entryUUID'][0] entryCSN = c.entry['entryCSN'][0] self._remember_entryCSN_commited_by_connector(entryUUID, entryCSN) res = True return res
[docs] def modify_in_ucs(self, property_type, object, module, position): ucs_object_dn = object.get('olddn', object['dn']) ucs_object = univention.admin.objects.get(module, None, self.lo, dn=ucs_object_dn, position='') self.__set_values(property_type, object, ucs_object) serverctrls = [] response = {} serverctrls = [PostReadControl(True, ['entryUUID', 'entryCSN'])] res = ucs_object.modify(serverctrls=serverctrls, response=response) if res: for c in response.get('ctrls', []): if c.controlType == PostReadControl.controlType: # If the modify actually did something entryUUID = c.entry['entryUUID'][0] entryCSN = c.entry['entryCSN'][0] self._remember_entryCSN_commited_by_connector(entryUUID, entryCSN) res = True return res
[docs] def move_in_ucs(self, property_type, object, module, position): if self.lo.compare_dn(object['olddn'].lower(), object['dn'].lower()): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "move_in_ucs: cancel move, old and new dn are the same (%r to %r)" % (object['olddn'], object['dn'])) return True ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "move_in_ucs: move object from %r to %r" % (object['olddn'], object['dn'])) ucs_object = univention.admin.objects.get(module, None, self.lo, dn=object['olddn'], position='') ucs_object.move(object['dn']) return True
def _get_entryUUID(self, dn): try: result = self.search_ucs(base=dn, scope='base', attr=['entryUUID'], unique=True) if result: return result[0][1].get('entryUUID')[0].decode('ASCII') else: return None except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: return None
[docs] def update_deleted_cache_after_removal(self, entryUUID, objectGUID): if not entryUUID: return if not objectGUID: objectGUID = 'objectGUID' # use a dummy value ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "update_deleted_cache_after_removal: Save entryUUID %r as deleted to UCS deleted cache. ObjectGUUID: %r" % (entryUUID, objectGUID)) self._set_config_option('UCS deleted', entryUUID, objectGUID)
[docs] def was_entryUUID_deleted(self, entryUUID): objectGUID = self.config.get('UCS deleted', entryUUID) if objectGUID: return True else: return False
[docs] def was_objectGUID_deleted_by_ucs(self, objectGUID): try: entryUUID = self.config.get_by_value('UCS deleted', objectGUID) if entryUUID: return True except Exception as err: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "was_objectGUID_deleted_by_ucs: failed to look for objectGUID %r in 'UCS deleted': %s" % (objectGUID, err)) return False
[docs] def delete_in_ucs(self, property_type, object, module, position): """Removes an AD object in UCS-LDAP""" objectGUID = object['attributes'].get('objectGUID', [None])[0] if objectGUID: objectGUID = decode_guid(objectGUID) entryUUID = self._get_entryUUID(object['dn']) if property_type in ['ou', 'container']: if objectGUID and self.was_objectGUID_deleted_by_ucs(objectGUID): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, "delete_in_ucs: object %s already deleted in UCS, ignoring delete" % object['dn']) return True try: ucs_object = univention.admin.objects.get(module, None, self.lo, dn=object['dn'], position='') except univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: raise # object is already removed... TODO: enable if wanted! return True try: try: ucs_object.remove() self.update_deleted_cache_after_removal(entryUUID, objectGUID) return True except univention.admin.uexceptions.ldapError as exc: if isinstance(exc.original_exception, ldap.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF): raise exc.original_exception raise except ldap.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "remove object from UCS failed, need to delete subtree") if self._remove_subtree_in_ucs(object): # FIXME: endless recursion if there is one subtree-object which is ignored, not identifyable or can't be removed. return self.delete_in_ucs(property_type, object, module, position) return False
def _remove_subtree_in_ucs(self, parent_ucs_object): for subdn, subattr in self.search_ucs(base=parent_ucs_object['dn'], attr=['*', '+']): if self.lo.compare_dn(subdn.lower(), parent_ucs_object['dn'].lower()): # TODO: search with scope=children and remove this check continue ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "delete: %r" % (subdn,)) _mod, key = self.identify_udm_object(subdn, subattr) subobject_ucs = {'dn': subdn, 'modtype': 'delete', 'attributes': subattr} back_mapped_subobject = self._object_mapping(key, subobject_ucs, 'ucs') ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "delete subobject: %r" % (back_mapped_subobject['dn'],)) if not self._ignore_object(key, back_mapped_subobject): # FIXME: this call is wrong!: sync_to_ucs() must be called with a ad_object not with a ucs_object! if not self.sync_to_ucs(key, subobject_ucs, back_mapped_subobject['dn'], parent_ucs_object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "delete of subobject failed: %r" % (subdn,)) return False return True
[docs] def sync_to_ucs(self, property_type, object, pre_mapped_ad_dn, original_object): """ Synchronize an object from AD-LDAP to UCS Open-LDAP. :param property_type: the type of the object to be synced, must be part of the mapping. (e.g. "user", "group", "dc", "windowscomputer", etc.) :param object: A dictionary describing the AD object. modtype: A modification type ("add", "modify", "move", "delete") dn: The DN of the object in the UCS-LDAP olddn: The olddn of the object object in UCS-LDAP (e.g. on "move" operation) :ptype object: dict :param pre_mapped_ad_dn: pass :param original_object: pass """ # NOTE: pre_mapped_ad_dn means: original ad_dn (i.e. before _object_mapping) # this function gets an object from the ad class, which should be converted into a ucs module # if sync is write (sync to AD) or none, there is nothing to do if not property_type or[property_type].sync_mode in ['write', 'none']: if property_type: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "sync_to_ucs ignored, sync_mode is %s" %[property_type].sync_mode) else: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "sync_to_ucs ignored, no mapping defined") return True if object['dn'].find('\\0ACNF:') > 0: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, 'Ignore conflicted object: %s' % object['dn']) return True try: guid = decode_guid(original_object.get('attributes').get('objectGUID')[0]) object['changed_attributes'] = [] if object['modtype'] == 'modify' and original_object: old_ad_object = self.adcache.get_entry(guid) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "sync_to_ucs: old_ad_object: %s" % old_ad_object) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "sync_to_ucs: new_ad_object: %s" % original_object['attributes']) original_attributes = original_object['attributes'] if old_ad_object: for attr in original_object['attributes']: if old_ad_object.get(attr) != original_attributes.get(attr): object['changed_attributes'].append(attr) for attr in old_ad_object: if old_ad_object.get(attr) != original_attributes.get(attr): if attr not in object['changed_attributes']: object['changed_attributes'].append(attr) if not (set(object['changed_attributes']) - self.irrelevant_attributes): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "sync_to_ucs: ignore %r" % (original_object['dn'],)) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "sync_to_ucs: changed_attributes=%s" % (object['changed_attributes'],)) return True else: object['changed_attributes'] = list(original_attributes.keys()) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "The following attributes have been changed: %s" % object['changed_attributes']) result = False # Check if the object on UCS side should be synchronized # old_ucs_ldap_object = {} old_ucs_ldap_object['dn'] = object.get('olddn', object['dn']) old_ucs_ldap_object['attributes'] = self.get_ucs_ldap_object(old_ucs_ldap_object['dn']) if old_ucs_ldap_object['attributes'] and self._ignore_object(property_type, old_ucs_ldap_object): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, 'The object %r will be ignored because a valid match filter for this object was not found.' % (old_ucs_ldap_object['dn'],)) return True old_object = self.get_ucs_object(property_type, object.get('olddn', object['dn'])) if old_object and object['modtype'] == 'add': object['modtype'] = 'modify' if not old_object and object['modtype'] == 'modify': object['modtype'] = 'add' if not old_object and object['modtype'] == 'move': object['modtype'] = 'add' if self.group_member_mapping_cache_ucs.get(object['dn'].lower()) and object['modtype'] != 'delete': self.group_member_mapping_cache_ucs[object['dn'].lower()] = None ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.PROCESS, 'sync to ucs: [%14s] [%10s] %s' % (property_type, object['modtype'], object['dn'])) position = univention.admin.uldap.position(self.configRegistry['ldap/base']) parent_dn = self.lo.parentDn(object['dn']) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, 'sync_to_ucs: set position to %s' % parent_dn) position.setDn(parent_dn) module = self.modules[property_type] # default, determined by mapping filter if old_object: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "sync_to_ucs: using existing target object type: %s" % (old_object.module,)) module = univention.admin.modules.get(old_object.module) if object['modtype'] == 'add': result = self.add_in_ucs(property_type, object, module, position) self._check_dn_mapping(object['dn'], pre_mapped_ad_dn) self.adcache.add_entry(guid, original_object.get('attributes')) if object['modtype'] == 'delete': if not old_object: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "Object to delete doesn't exists, ignore (%r)" % object['dn']) result = True else: result = self.delete_in_ucs(property_type, object, module, position) self._remove_dn_mapping(object['dn'], pre_mapped_ad_dn) self.adcache.remove_entry(guid) if object['modtype'] == 'move': result = self.move_in_ucs(property_type, object, module, position) self._remove_dn_mapping(object['olddn'], '') # we don't know the old ad-dn here anymore, will be checked by remove_dn_mapping self._check_dn_mapping(object['dn'], pre_mapped_ad_dn) if object['modtype'] == 'modify': result = self.modify_in_ucs(property_type, object, module, position) self._check_dn_mapping(object['dn'], pre_mapped_ad_dn) self.adcache.add_entry(guid, original_object.get('attributes')) if not result: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "Failed to get Result for DN (%r)" % (object['dn'],)) return False if object['modtype'] in ['add', 'modify']: for post_ucs_modify_function in[property_type].post_ucs_modify_functions: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "Call post_ucs_modify_functions: %s" % post_ucs_modify_function) post_ucs_modify_function(self, property_type, object) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "Call post_ucs_modify_functions: %s (done)" % post_ucs_modify_function) ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "Return result for DN (%s)" % object['dn']) return result except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueInvalidSyntax as msg: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "InvalidSyntax: %s (%r)" % (msg, object['dn'])) return False except univention.admin.uexceptions.valueMayNotChange as msg: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ERROR, "Value may not change: %s (%r)" % (msg, object['dn'])) return False except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: raise except Exception: # FIXME: which exception is to be caught? self._debug_traceback(ud.ERROR, "Unknown Exception during sync_to_ucs") return False
@staticmethod def _subtree_match(dn, subtree): x = ldap.dn.str2dn(subtree.lower()) return ldap.dn.str2dn(dn.lower())[-len(x):] == x @staticmethod def _subtree_replace(dn, subtree, subtreereplace): extra = '' if subtree.startswith(',') and subtreereplace.startswith(','): subtreereplace = subtreereplace[1:] subtree = subtree[1:] extra = ',' _dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(dn.lower()) _subtree = ldap.dn.str2dn(subtree.lower()) if _dn[-len(_subtree):] != _subtree or (extra and _dn == _subtree): return dn return ldap.dn.dn2str(ldap.dn.str2dn(dn)[:-len(_subtree)] + ldap.dn.str2dn(subtreereplace)) # attributes ist ein dictionary von LDAP-Attributen und den zugeordneten Werten def _filter_match(self, filter, attributes): ''' versucht eine Liste von Attributen auf einen LDAP-Filter zu matchen Besonderheiten des Filters: - immer case-sensitive - nur * als Wildcard - geht "lachser" mit Verschachtelten Klammern um ''' filter_connectors = ['!', '&', '|'] def list_lower(elements): if isinstance(elements, list): retlist = [] for l in elements: retlist.append(l.lower()) return retlist else: return elements def dict_lower(dict_): if isinstance(dict_, dict): retdict = {} for key in dict_: retdict[key.lower()] = dict_[key] return retdict else: return dict_ def attribute_filter(filter, attributes): attributes = dict_lower(attributes) pos = filter.find('=') if pos < 0: raise ValueError('missing "=" in filter: %s' % filter) attribute = filter[:pos].lower() if not attribute: raise ValueError('missing attribute in filter: %s' % filter) value = filter[pos + 1:] if attribute.endswith(':1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:'): # bitwise filter attribute_name = attribute.replace(':1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:', '') attribute_value = attributes.get(attribute_name) if attribute_value: try: if isinstance(attribute_value, list): attribute_value = int(attribute_value[0]) int_value = int(value) if ((attribute_value & int_value) == int_value): return True else: return False except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: raise except Exception: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.WARN, "attribute_filter: Failed to convert attributes for bitwise filter") return False if value == '*': return attribute in list_lower(attributes.keys()) elif attribute in attributes: return value.lower().encode('UTF-8') in list_lower(attributes[attribute]) else: return False def connecting_filter(filter, attributes): def walk(filter, attributes): def split(filter): opened = [] closed = [] pos = 0 level = 0 for char in filter: if char == '(': if level == 0: opened.append(pos) level += 1 elif char == ')': if level == 1: closed.append(pos) level -= 1 if level < 0: raise ValueError("too many ')' in filter: %s" % filter) pos += 1 if len(opened) != len(closed): raise ValueError("'(' and ')' don't match in filter: %s" % filter) filters = [] for i in range(len(opened)): filters.append(filter[opened[i] + 1:closed[i]]) return filters if filter[0] == '(': if not filter[-1] == ')': raise ValueError("matching ) missing in filter: %s" % filter) else: filters = split(filter) results = [] for filter in filters: results.append(subfilter(filter, attributes)) return results else: return [subfilter(filter, attributes)] if filter[0] == '!': return not subfilter(filter[1:], attributes) elif filter[0] == '|': return 1 in walk(filter[1:], attributes) elif filter[0] == '&': return 0 not in walk(filter[1:], attributes) def subfilter(filter, attributes): if filter[0] == '(': if not filter[-1] == ')': raise ValueError("matching ) missing in filter: %s" % filter) else: return subfilter(filter[1:-1], attributes) elif filter[0] in filter_connectors: return connecting_filter(filter, attributes) else: return attribute_filter(filter, attributes) return subfilter(filter, attributes) def _ignore_object(self, key, object): ''' parse if object should be ignored because of ignore_subtree or ignore_filter :param key: the property_type from the mapping :param object: a mapped or unmapped AD or UCS object ''' if 'dn' not in object: ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "_ignore_object: ignore object without DN (key: {})".format(key)) return True # ignore not existing object for subtree in[key].ignore_subtree: if self._subtree_match(object['dn'], subtree): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "_ignore_object: ignore object because of subtree match: [%r:%r]" % (key, object['dn'])) return True if[key].ignore_filter and self._filter_match([key].ignore_filter, object['attributes']): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "_ignore_object: ignore object because of ignore_filter: [%r:%r]" % (key, object['dn'])) return True if[key].match_filter and not self._filter_match([key].match_filter, object['attributes']): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "_ignore_object: ignore object because of match_filter: [%r:%r]" % (key, object['dn'])) return True ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "_ignore_object: Do not ignore %r:%r" % (key, object['dn'])) return False def _object_mapping(self, key, old_object, object_type='con'): """Create a mapped object from AD or UCS object definition. :param key: the mapping key :param old_object: the object definition in univention directory listener style :ptype old_object: dict :param object_type: "con" if `old_object` is a AD object. "ucs" if `old_object` is a UCS object. :ptype object_type: str """ ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "_object_mapping: map with key %s and type %s" % (key, object_type)) # ingoing object format: # 'dn': dn # 'modtype': 'add', 'delete', 'modify', 'move' # 'attributes': { attr: [values] } # 'olddn' : dn (only on move) # outgoing object format: # 'dn': dn # 'modtype': 'add', 'delete', 'modify', 'move' # 'attributes': { attr: [values] } # 'olddn' : dn (only on move) if object_type == 'ucs': return self._object_mapping_ucs(key, old_object) else: return self._object_mapping_con(key, old_object) def _object_mapping_ucs(self, key, old_object): object = copy.deepcopy(old_object) # DN mapping dn_mapping_stored = [] for dntype in ['dn', 'olddn']: # check if all available dn's are already mapped if dntype in object: if self._get_dn_by_ucs(object[dntype]): object[dntype] = self._get_dn_by_ucs(object[dntype]) object[dntype] = self.dn_mapped_to_base(object[dntype], self.lo_ad.base) dn_mapping_stored.append(dntype) try: MAPPING =[key] except KeyError: return object # DN mapping functions for function in MAPPING.dn_mapping_function: object = function(self, object, dn_mapping_stored, isUCSobject=True) for dntype in ['dn', 'olddn']: if dntype in object and dntype not in dn_mapping_stored: dn_mapped = object[dntype] # save the old rdn with the correct upper and lower case rdn_store = ldap.dn.explode_dn(dn_mapped)[0] # note: position_mapping == [] by default for mapping in MAPPING.position_mapping: dn_mapped = self._subtree_replace(dn_mapped.lower(), mapping[0].lower(), mapping[1]) if dn_mapped == object[dntype]: if self.lo_ad.base == dn_mapped[-len(self.lo_ad.base):] and len(self.lo_ad.base) > len(self.lo.base): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "The dn %s is already converted to the S4 base, don't do this again." % dn_mapped) else: dn_mapped = self._subtree_replace(object[dntype].lower(), self.lo.base.lower(), self.lo_ad.base) # FIXME: lo_ad may change with other connectors # write the correct upper and lower case back to the DN object[dntype] = dn_mapped.replace(dn_mapped[0:len(rdn_store)], rdn_store, 1) object_out = object for attribute, values in list(object['attributes'].items()): for attr_key, attributes in (MAPPING.attributes or {}).items(): if attribute.lower() == attributes.ldap_attribute.lower(): # mapping function if hasattr(attributes, 'mapping'): # direct mapping if attributes.mapping[0]: object_out['attributes'][attributes.con_attribute] = attributes.mapping[0](self, key, object) else: if attributes.con_other_attribute: object_out['attributes'][attributes.con_attribute] = [values[0]] object_out['attributes'][attributes.con_other_attribute] = values[1:] else: object_out['attributes'][attributes.con_attribute] = values # mapping_table for ucsval, conval in MAPPING.mapping_table.get(attr_key, []): if isinstance(object_out['attributes'][attributes.con_attribute], list): encoding = attributes.con_attribute_encoding or 'UTF-8' object_out['attributes'][attributes.con_attribute] = [ conval.encode(encoding) if x.lower() == ucsval.encode(encoding).lower() else x for x in object_out['attributes'][attributes.con_attribute] ] for post_attributes in (MAPPING.post_attributes or {}).values(): if attribute.lower() == post_attributes.ldap_attribute.lower(): if hasattr(post_attributes, 'mapping'): if post_attributes.mapping[0]: object_out['attributes'][post_attributes.con_attribute] = post_attributes.mapping[0](self, key, object) else: if post_attributes.con_other_attribute: object_out['attributes'][post_attributes.con_attribute] = [values[0]] object_out['attributes'][post_attributes.con_other_attribute] = values[1:] else: object_out['attributes'][post_attributes.con_attribute] = values ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "_object_mapping_ucs: object_out : %r" % object_out) return object_out def _object_mapping_con(self, key, old_object): object = copy.deepcopy(old_object) # DN mapping dn_mapping_stored = [] for dntype in ['dn', 'olddn']: # check if all available dn's are already mapped if dntype in object: if self._get_dn_by_con(object[dntype]): object[dntype] = self._get_dn_by_con(object[dntype]) object[dntype] = self.dn_mapped_to_base(object[dntype], self.lo.base) dn_mapping_stored.append(dntype) try: MAPPING =[key] except KeyError: return object # DN mapping functions for function in MAPPING.dn_mapping_function: object = function(self, object, dn_mapping_stored, isUCSobject=False) for dntype in ['dn', 'olddn']: if dntype in object and dntype not in dn_mapping_stored: dn_mapped = object[dntype] # save the old rdn with the correct upper and lower case rdn_store = ldap.dn.explode_dn(dn_mapped)[0] # note: position_mapping == [] by default for mapping in MAPPING.position_mapping: dn_mapped = self._subtree_replace(dn_mapped.lower(), mapping[1].lower(), mapping[0]) if dn_mapped == object[dntype]: if self.lo.base == dn_mapped[len(dn_mapped) - len(self.lo.base):] and len(self.lo.base) > len(self.lo_ad.base): ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.INFO, "The dn %s is already converted to the UCS base, don't do this again." % dn_mapped) else: dn_mapped = self._subtree_replace(dn_mapped.lower(), self.lo_ad.base.lower(), self.lo.base) # FIXME: lo_ad may change with other connectors # write the correct upper and lower case back to the DN object[dntype] = dn_mapped.replace(dn_mapped[0:len(rdn_store)], rdn_store, 1) object_out = object # other mapping # Filter out Configuration objects w/o DN if object['dn'] is None: return object_out for attribute, values in sorted(object['attributes'].items()): for attr_key, attributes in (MAPPING.attributes or {}).items(): if attribute.lower() == attributes.con_attribute.lower(): # mapping function if hasattr(attributes, 'mapping'): # direct mapping if attributes.mapping[1]: object_out['attributes'][attributes.ldap_attribute] = attributes.mapping[1](self, key, object) else: if attributes.con_other_attribute and object['attributes'].get(attributes.con_other_attribute): object_out['attributes'][attributes.ldap_attribute] = values + object['attributes'].get(attributes.con_other_attribute) else: object_out['attributes'][attributes.ldap_attribute] = values # mapping_table for ucsval, conval in MAPPING.mapping_table.get(attr_key, []): if isinstance(object_out['attributes'][attributes.ldap_attribute], list): encoding = attributes.con_attribute_encoding or 'UTF-8' object_out['attributes'][attributes.ldap_attribute] = [ ucsval.encode(encoding) if x.lower() == conval.encode(encoding).lower() else x for x in object_out['attributes'][attributes.ldap_attribute] ] for post_attributes in (MAPPING.post_attributes or {}).values(): if attribute.lower() == post_attributes.con_attribute.lower(): if hasattr(post_attributes, 'mapping'): if post_attributes.mapping[1]: object_out['attributes'][post_attributes.ldap_attribute] = post_attributes.mapping[1](self, key, object) else: if post_attributes.con_other_attribute and object['attributes'].get(post_attributes.con_other_attribute): object_out['attributes'][post_attributes.ldap_attribute] = values + object['attributes'].get(post_attributes.con_other_attribute) else: object_out['attributes'][post_attributes.ldap_attribute] = values ud.debug(ud.LDAP, ud.ALL, "_object_mapping_con: object_out : %r" % object_out) return object_out
[docs] def identify_udm_object(self, dn, attrs): """Get the type of the specified UCS object""" for k in if self.modules[k].identify(dn, attrs): return self.modules[k], k for m in self.modules_others.get(k, []): if m and m.identify(dn, attrs): return m, k return None, None