Source code for univention.lib.listenerSharePath

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Univention Helper functions for creating or renaming share directories
# Copyright 2011-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

import os
import pipes
import sys
import fnmatch
import shutil
from functools import reduce
from typing import Dict, List, Optional  # noqa: F401

if sys.version_info >= (3,):
	from subprocess import getstatusoutput
	from commands import getstatusoutput

from univention.config_registry import ConfigRegistry  # noqa: E402,F401

DEFAULT_FS = "ext2/ext3:ext2:ext3:ext4:xfs:btrfs"
# whitelisted via UCR by default

[docs]def dirIsMountPoint(path): # type: (str) -> Optional[str] """ Check if `path` is a mount point. :param str path: The path to check. :returns: A string if the path is a mount point, `None` otherwise. :rtype: str or None """ if path == "/": return "/ is a mount point" for tab in ["/etc/fstab", "/etc/mtab"]: if os.path.isfile(tab): f = open(tab, "r") for line in f: if line.startswith("#"): continue if "\t" in line: tmp = line.split("\t") else: tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) > 1: tmp[1] = tmp[1].rstrip("/") if tmp[1] == path: return "%s is a mount point" % path return None
[docs]def checkDirFileSystem(path, cr): # type: (str, ConfigRegistry) -> Optional[str] """ Check if the given path is of a known file system type. :param str path: A file system path. :param ConfigRegistry cr: A |UCR| instance. :returns: A string if the path is a known file system, `None` otherwise. :rtype: str or None """ knownFs = cr.get("listener/shares/rename/fstypes", DEFAULT_FS).split(":") ret, out = getstatusoutput("LC_ALL=C stat -f %s" % pipes.quote(path)) myFs = "" for line in out.split("\n"): tmp = line.split("Type: ") if len(tmp) == 2: myFs = tmp[1].strip() for fs in knownFs: if fs.lower() == myFs.lower(): # ok, found fs is fs whitelist return None break return "filesystem %s for %s is not on a known filesystem" % (myFs, path)
[docs]def createOrRename(old, new, cr): # type: (Dict[str, List[str]], Dict[str, List[str]], ConfigRegistry) -> Optional[str] """ Create or rename a share. :param str old: The old path. :param str new: The new path. :param ConfigRegistry cr: A |UCR| instance. :returns: A string if an error occurs, `None` on success. :rtype: str or None """ rename = False if cr.is_true("listener/shares/rename", False) and old: # rename only if old object exists and # share host is unchanged and # path was changed if old.get("univentionShareHost") and new.get("univentionShareHost"): if new["univentionShareHost"][0] == old["univentionShareHost"][0]: if old.get("univentionSharePath") and new.get("univentionSharePath"): if not new["univentionSharePath"][0] == old["univentionSharePath"][0]: rename = True # check new path if not new.get("univentionSharePath"): return "univentionSharePath not set" newPath = new['univentionSharePath'][0].decode('UTF-8').rstrip("/") if not newPath.startswith("/"): newPath = "/" + newPath newPath = os.path.realpath(newPath) if newPath == "/": return "/ as new path is not allowed" share_name = new.get('univentionShareSambaName', new.get('cn', [b'']))[0].decode('UTF-8') # rename it if rename: # old path (source) if not old.get("univentionSharePath"): return "not old univentionSharePath found, renaming not possible" oldPath = old["univentionSharePath"][0].decode('UTF-8').rstrip("/") if not oldPath.startswith("/"): oldPath = "/" + oldPath if os.path.islink(oldPath): oldPath = os.path.realpath(oldPath) if oldPath == "/": return "/ as old path is not allowed" # return silently if destination exists and source not # probably someone else has done the job if not os.path.isdir(oldPath) and os.path.exists(newPath): return None # check source and destination if os.path.exists(newPath): return "destination %s exists" % newPath if not os.path.isdir(oldPath): return "source %s is not a directory" % oldPath # check blacklist if is_blacklisted(newPath, cr): return "%r as destination for renaming not allowed! WARNING: the path %r for the share %r matches a blacklisted path. The whitelist can be extended via the UCR variables listener/shares/whitelist/. After changing the variables univention-directory-listener needs to be restartet." % (newPath, newPath, share_name) if is_blacklisted(oldPath, cr): return "%r as source for renaming not allowed! WARNING: the path %r for the share %r matches a blacklisted path. The whitelist can be extended via the UCR variables listener/shares/whitelist/. After changing the variables univention-directory-listener needs to be restartet." % (oldPath, newPath, share_name) # check mount point for i in [oldPath, newPath]: ret = dirIsMountPoint(i) if ret: return ret # check path to destination # get existing part of path newPathDir = os.path.dirname(newPath) existingNewPathDir = "/" for path in newPathDir.split("/"): if path and os.access(existingNewPathDir, os.F_OK): if os.access(os.path.join(existingNewPathDir, path), os.F_OK): existingNewPathDir = os.path.join(existingNewPathDir, path) if newPathDir == "/" or existingNewPathDir == "/": return "moving to directory level one is not allowed (%s)" % newPath # check know fs for i in [oldPath, existingNewPathDir]: ret = checkDirFileSystem(i, cr) if ret: return ret # check if source and destination are on the same device if not os.stat(oldPath).st_dev == os.stat(existingNewPathDir).st_dev: return "source %s and destination %s are not on the same device" % (oldPath, newPath) # create path to destination if not os.access(newPathDir, os.F_OK): try: os.makedirs(newPathDir, 0o755) except Exception as exc: return "creation of directory %s failed: %s" % (newPathDir, exc) # TODO: check size of source and free space in destination # move try: if oldPath != "/" and newPath != "/": shutil.move(oldPath, newPath) except Exception as exc: return "failed to move directory %s to %s: %s" % (oldPath, newPath, exc) # or create directory anyway if not os.access(newPath, os.F_OK): try: os.makedirs(newPath, 0o755) except Exception as exc: return "creation of directory %s failed: %s" % (newPath, exc) # set custom permissions for path in new uid = 0 gid = 0 mode = new.get("univentionShareDirectoryMode", [b"0755"])[0] if new.get("univentionShareUid"): try: uid = int(new["univentionShareUid"][0]) except ValueError: pass if new.get('univentionShareGid'): try: gid = int(new["univentionShareGid"][0]) except ValueError: pass # only dirs if not os.path.isdir(newPath): return "custom permissions only for directories allowed (%s)" % newPath # check blacklist if is_blacklisted(newPath, cr): return "WARNING: the path %r for the share %r matches a blacklisted path. The whitelist can be extended via the UCR variables listener/shares/whitelist/." % (newPath, share_name) # set permissions, only modify them if a change has occurred try: mode = int(mode, 16 if mode.startswith(b'0x') else (8 if mode.startswith(b'0') else 10)) if (not old or (new.get("univentionShareDirectoryMode") and old.get("univentionShareDirectoryMode") and new["univentionShareDirectoryMode"][0] != old["univentionShareDirectoryMode"][0])): os.chmod(newPath, mode) if (not old or (new.get("univentionShareUid") and old.get("univentionShareUid") and new["univentionShareUid"][0] != old["univentionShareUid"][0])): os.chown(newPath, uid, -1) if (not old or (new.get("univentionShareGid") and old.get("univentionShareGid") and new["univentionShareGid"][0] != old["univentionShareGid"][0])): os.chown(newPath, -1, gid) except Exception: return "setting custom permissions for %s failed" % newPath
[docs]def is_blacklisted(path, ucr): # type: (str, ConfigRegistry) -> bool """ >>> is_blacklisted('/home/', {}) True >>> is_blacklisted('/home/', {'listener/shares/whitelist/defaults': '/home/*:/var/*'}) False >>> is_blacklisted('/home', {}) True >>> is_blacklisted('/home', {'listener/shares/whitelist/defaults': '/home/*:/var/*'}) False >>> is_blacklisted('/home/Administrator', {}) True >>> is_blacklisted('/home/Administrator', {'listener/shares/whitelist/defaults': '/home/*:/var/*'}) False >>> is_blacklisted('/home/Administrator/', {'listener/shares/whitelist/admin': '/home/Administrator'}) False >>> is_blacklisted('/var/', {'listener/shares/whitelist/univention-printserver-pdf': '/var/spool/cups-pdf/*'}) True >>> is_blacklisted('/var', {'listener/shares/whitelist/univention-printserver-pdf': '/var/spool/cups-pdf/*'}) True >>> is_blacklisted('/var/spool/', {'listener/shares/whitelist/univention-printserver-pdf': '/var/spool/cups-pdf/*'}) True >>> is_blacklisted('/var/spool/cups-pdf/', {'listener/shares/whitelist/univention-printserver-pdf': '/var/spool/cups-pdf/*'}) False """ path = '%s/' % (path.rstrip('/'),) whitelist = [set(val.split(':')) for key, val in ucr.items() if key.startswith('listener/shares/whitelist/')] whitelist = reduce(set.union, whitelist) if whitelist else set() for directory in DIR_BLACKLIST: if path in whitelist or path.rstrip('/') in whitelist or any(fnmatch.fnmatch(path, allowed) for allowed in whitelist): continue if path.startswith(directory): return True return False
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()