Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# UCS test
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Networking helper that may establish connection redirection for testing
network connections/configuration of different programs (e.g. postfix).

The networking helper will install special iptables rules that may completely
break routing from/to the test system. Especially if the test script does
not clean up in error cases!

from __future__ import print_function

import copy
import re
import subprocess
from types import TracebackType  # noqa: F401
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union  # noqa: F401
	from typing_extensions import Literal  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:

import univention.config_registry

[docs]class UCSTestNetwork(Exception): pass
[docs]class UCSTestNetworkCannotDetermineExternalAddress(UCSTestNetwork): pass
[docs]class UCSTestNetworkCmdFailed(UCSTestNetwork): pass
[docs]class UCSTestNetworkUnknownLoop(UCSTestNetwork): pass
[docs]class UCSTestNetworkUnknownRedirection(UCSTestNetwork): pass
[docs]class UCSTestNetworkNoWithStatement(UCSTestNetwork): message = 'NetworkRedirector has to be used via with statement!'
[docs]class UCSTestNetworkOnlyOneLoopSupported(UCSTestNetwork): message = 'NetworkRedirector does support only ONE loop at a time!'
[docs]class NetworkRedirector(object): """ The NetworkRedirector is able to establish port/connection redirections via iptables. It has to be used via the with-statement. >>> with NetworkRedirector() as nethelper: >>> nethelper.add_loop('', '') >>> nethelper.add_redirection('', 25, 60025) >>> ... >>> # the following lines are optional! NetworkRedirector does automatic cleanup! >>> nethelper.remove_loop('', '') >>> nethelper.remove_redirection('', 25, 60025) It is also possible to redirect all traffic to a specific port. The trailing "/0" is important, otherwise the redirection won't work! >>> nethelper.add_redirection('', 25, 60025) """ BIN_IPTABLES = '/sbin/iptables' CMD_LIST_LOOP = [ # localhost--><addr1> ==> <addr2>-->localhost [BIN_IPTABLES, '-t', 'mangle', '%(action)s', 'OUTPUT', '-d', '%(addr1)s', '-j', 'TOS', '--set-tos', '0x04'], [BIN_IPTABLES, '-t', 'nat', '%(action)s', 'OUTPUT', '-d', '%(addr1)s', '-j', 'DNAT', '--to-destination', '%(local_external_addr)s'], [BIN_IPTABLES, '-t', 'nat', '%(action)s', 'POSTROUTING', '-m', 'tos', '--tos', '0x04', '-j', 'SNAT', '--to-source', '%(addr2)s'], # localhost--><addr2> ==> <addr1>-->localhost [BIN_IPTABLES, '-t', 'mangle', '%(action)s', 'OUTPUT', '-d', '%(addr2)s', '-j', 'TOS', '--set-tos', '0x08'], [BIN_IPTABLES, '-t', 'nat', '%(action)s', 'OUTPUT', '-d', '%(addr2)s', '-j', 'DNAT', '--to-destination', '%(local_external_addr)s'], [BIN_IPTABLES, '-t', 'nat', '%(action)s', 'POSTROUTING', '-m', 'tos', '--tos', '0x08', '-j', 'SNAT', '--to-source', '%(addr1)s'], ] CMD_LIST_REDIRECTION = [ # redirect localhost-->%(remote_addr)s:%(remote_port)s ==> localhost:%(local_port)s [BIN_IPTABLES, '-t', 'nat', '%(action)s', 'OUTPUT', '-p', '%(family)s', '-d', '%(remote_addr)s', '--dport', '%(remote_port)s', '-j', 'DNAT', '--to-destination', ''], ] def __init__(self): # type: () -> None ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() reUCRaddr = re.compile('^interfaces/[^/]+/address$') for key in ucr.keys(): if reUCRaddr.match(key): self._external_address = ucr.get(key) break else: raise UCSTestNetworkCannotDetermineExternalAddress self.used_by_with_statement = False self.cleanup_rules = [] # type: List[Union[Tuple[Literal["loop"], str, str], Tuple[Literal["redirection"], str, int, int, str]]] # [ ('loop', 'addr1', 'addr2'), ('redirection', 'remoteaddr', remoteport, localport), ... ] def __enter__(self): # type: () -> NetworkRedirector print('*** Entering with-statement of NetworkRedirector()') self.used_by_with_statement = True return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # type: (Optional[Type[BaseException]], Optional[Exception], Optional[TracebackType]) -> None print('*** Leaving with-statement of NetworkRedirector()') self.revert_network_settings()
[docs] def revert_network_settings(self): # type: () -> None print('*** NetworkRedirector.revert_network_settings()') for entry in copy.deepcopy(self.cleanup_rules): if entry[0] == 'loop': self.remove_loop(entry[1], entry[2], ignore_errors=True) elif entry[0] == 'redirection': self.remove_redirection(entry[1], entry[2], entry[3], entry[4], ignore_errors=True)
[docs] def run_commands(self, cmdlist, argdict, ignore_errors=False): # type: (List[List[str]], Mapping[str, object], bool) -> None """ Start all commands in cmdlist and replace formatstrings with arguments in argdict. >>> run_commands([['/bin/echo', '%(msg)s'], ['/bin/echo', 'World']], {'msg': 'Hello'}) """ for cmd in cmdlist: cmd = [val % argdict for val in cmd] print('*** %r' % cmd) result = if result and not ignore_errors: print('*** Exitcode: %r' % result) raise UCSTestNetworkCmdFailed('Command returned with non-zero exitcode: %r' % cmd)
[docs] def add_loop(self, addr1, addr2): # type: (str, str) -> None """ Add connection loop for addr1 and addr2. Outgoing connections to addr1 will be redirected back to localhost. The redirected connection will appear as it comes from addr2. All outgoing traffic to addr2 will be also redirected back to localhost and will appear as it comes from addr1. HINT: only one loop may be established at a time! """ if not self.used_by_with_statement: raise UCSTestNetworkNoWithStatement for i in self.cleanup_rules: if i[0] == 'loop': raise UCSTestNetworkOnlyOneLoopSupported self.cleanup_rules.append(('loop', addr1, addr2)) args = { 'addr1': addr1, 'addr2': addr2, 'local_external_addr': self._external_address, 'action': '-A', } print('*** Adding network loop (%s <--> %s)' % (addr1, addr2)) self.run_commands(self.CMD_LIST_LOOP, args)
[docs] def remove_loop(self, addr1, addr2, ignore_errors=False): # type: (str, str, bool) -> None """ Remove previously defined connection loop. """ try: self.cleanup_rules.remove(('loop', addr1, addr2)) except ValueError: raise UCSTestNetworkUnknownLoop('The given loop has not been established and cannot be removed.') args = { 'addr1': addr1, 'addr2': addr2, 'local_external_addr': self._external_address, 'action': '-D', } print('*** Removing network loop (%s <--> %s)' % (addr1, addr2)) self.run_commands(self.CMD_LIST_LOOP, args, ignore_errors)
[docs] def add_redirection(self, remote_addr, remote_port, local_port, family='tcp'): # type: (str, int, int) -> None """ Add new connection redirection. Outgoing connections to <remote_addr>:<remote_port> will be redirected back to localhost:<local_port>. """ if not self.used_by_with_statement: raise UCSTestNetworkNoWithStatement entry = ('redirection', remote_addr, remote_port, local_port, family) # type: Tuple[Literal["redirection"], str, int, int, str] if entry not in self.cleanup_rules: self.cleanup_rules.append(entry) args = { 'remote_addr': remote_addr, 'remote_port': remote_port, 'local_port': local_port, 'action': '-A', 'family': family, } print('*** Adding network redirection (%s:%s --> with %s)' % (remote_addr, remote_port, local_port, family)) self.run_commands(self.CMD_LIST_REDIRECTION, args)
[docs] def remove_redirection(self, remote_addr, remote_port, local_port, family='tcp', ignore_errors=False): # type: (str, int, int, bool) -> None """ Remove previously defined connection redirection. """ try: self.cleanup_rules.remove(('redirection', remote_addr, remote_port, local_port, family)) except ValueError: raise UCSTestNetworkUnknownRedirection('The given redirection has not been established and cannot be removed.') args = { 'remote_addr': remote_addr, 'remote_port': remote_port, 'local_port': local_port, 'action': '-D', 'family': family, } print('*** Removing network redirection (%s:%s <-->' % (remote_addr, remote_port, local_port)) self.run_commands(self.CMD_LIST_REDIRECTION, args, ignore_errors)