Source code for univention.udm.connections

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention.
# This program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
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from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import sys
import six
import ldap
from ldap.filter import filter_format
import univention.admin.uldap
import univention.config_registry
import univention.admin.uldap
import univention.admin.uexceptions
import univention.config_registry
from .exceptions import ConnectionError

[docs]class LDAP_connection(object): """Caching LDAP connection factory.""" _ucr = None _connection_admin = None _connection_account = {} @classmethod def _clear(cls): # used in tests cls._ucr = None cls._connection_admin = None cls._connection_account.clear() @classmethod def _wrap_connection(cls, func, **kwargs): try: return func(**kwargs) except IOError: six.reraise(ConnectionError, ConnectionError('Could not read secret file'), sys.exc_info()[2]) except univention.admin.uexceptions.authFail: six.reraise(ConnectionError, ConnectionError('Credentials invalid'), sys.exc_info()[2]) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: six.reraise(ConnectionError, ConnectionError('Credentials invalid'), sys.exc_info()[2]) except ldap.CONNECT_ERROR: six.reraise(ConnectionError, ConnectionError('Connection refused'), sys.exc_info()[2]) except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: six.reraise(ConnectionError, ConnectionError('The LDAP Server is not running'), sys.exc_info()[2])
[docs] @classmethod def get_admin_connection(cls): if not cls._connection_admin: cls._connection_admin, po = cls._wrap_connection(univention.admin.uldap.getAdminConnection) return cls._connection_admin
[docs] @classmethod def get_machine_connection(cls): # do not cache the machine connection as this breaks on server-password-change co, po = cls._wrap_connection(univention.admin.uldap.getMachineConnection) return co
[docs] @classmethod def get_credentials_connection( cls, identity, password, base=None, server=None, port=None, ): if not cls._ucr: cls._ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() cls._ucr.load() if '=' not in identity: lo = cls.get_machine_connection() dns = lo.searchDn(filter_format('uid=%s', (identity,))) try: identity = dns[0] except IndexError: six.reraise(ConnectionError, ConnectionError('Cannot get DN for username'), sys.exc_info()[2]) access_kwargs = {'binddn': identity, 'bindpw': password, 'base': base or cls._ucr['ldap/base']} if server: access_kwargs['host'] = server if port: access_kwargs['port'] = port key = (identity, password, server, port, base) if key not in cls._connection_account: cls._connection_account[key] = cls._wrap_connection(univention.admin.uldap.access, **access_kwargs) return cls._connection_account[key]